Building Hit or Miss Claire Engine

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Happy Birthday Jack. I just hope I can remember where I put my glasses when I reach 77. :big:

Cheers :)



Great work, and Happy birthday!

I'm 36 and have been machining for 16 years. When I'm 77 I hope to be exactly where you are.

Have fun!
HI jack I hope my work is as good as yours when I'm 77 I'm only 47 gnaw keep mackin swaf sos for speling regards bob

Happy Birthday Jack. I'm only 64 and need that second pair of eyewear now.

Hope I'm still going as strong as you when I reach 77.

Happy Birthday Jack. Birthdays are good. The more you have, the longer you live.

Thank you
Bob, Ron, and Rudy
Your for good wishes mean a lot to me.

Jack B
Tapping and putting the finishing touches on the Fuel Tank.


Tank Parts completed, left to right Fill Cap, Nipple and Tank Support Post.
Jack B

I completed the Fuel Tank. The hose will be changed to a clear one. I still have to change one small part that isn't working 100 per cent. Jack B

Looks like you're getting close, Jack. Really nice looking build. Can't wait to see it run!

Thanks Chuck
I am almost ready to give it a spin. There are several small tasks that need to be done first. Jack B
Made a new Catch Bracket this one is working much smoother then the original one. There always seems to be one more thing to take care of. It is the black part below the brass wheel. But I am making progress. Jack B

very interesting engine this! i will be very interested to see it run, what are the chances of it latching the rocker arm when the spool is in the "miss valve position"? would this matter? as it would still have compression and would not coast very well, or have i missed something?
Hi Chaffe: I didn't do much work on my engine since October. I had a bunch of other projects that needed to be taken care of first. Then I had some questions about the engine that I needed to be answered.
So I waited until today and went to the N.E.M.E.S. Model Engineering Show at the Charles River Museum of Industry in Waltham Massachusetts.
I talked to some very experienced model builders there and I think I got my needed answers.
I am almost ready to start it and I will be waiting for the first decent day here in Massachusetts to take it outside and give it a try. If I have luck I will shoot a video and put it on so you can see it run.
Thank you for inquiring about it. Jack B
Hi Jack
looking great
I love Hit and Miss