I am starting to build the Ageless 9 and 18 Cyl radial engines. I want to work these in parallel since many of the operations are similar between the two.

I am not familiar with Ageless. Is it IC or steam? It's good lookin'I am starting to build the Ageless 9 and 18 Cyl radial engines. I want to work these in parallel since many of the operations are similar between the two.
View attachment 123486
I am not familiar with Ageless. Is it IC or steam? It's good lookin'
Made some progress this weekend and made a video of me running a cycle machining the flats on the crankcase.
View attachment 123656
practice runs. So just to be safe I am rotating and re-referencing the A axis before each cycle.
A small tramming error in the mill will translate to a large geometric error with a large diameter face mill.Great looking machine set-up but why don't you use a Face mill to machine the cylinder flat on the crankcase ? get rid of all those cutter marks and more likely leave a flatter surface.
LOL, thanks! I own a Tormach 15L and 770MX. I also have Grizzly 12x36 lathe and medium knee mill. I have sherline machines too.If I stick anything in mouth that big its a Jaw breaker . Nice work on the radial .What machines do you have?