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I'm not sure about that., and maybe you are a lot more than what you say ;)
But sometimes, knowing less is better because won't get annoyed...😅
Everybody's good at something, I'm not very good at model engineering, although I do try my best and i'm my own worst enemy, I tend to set my goal posts too high, but there's nothing wrong with trying to better yourself is there. (the scrap piles getting bigger day by day).
I do sometimes get annoyed with the odd poster, not on this forum. Usually when others try and explain things to them and they just won't have it. they are blinkered. I ask myself why do you post a question, when you obviously do not want to know the answer! why do they do it?
Whatever it is....when someone says: DC electricity is like a plague - That's the stupidest statement I've ever seen
We have some fundamental language translation/understanding problems here.

You have modified my sentence to change its meaning completely, and you are missing the meaning totally.

"I avoid DC electricity......" is not the same meaning as "DC electricity is the plague".
It simply means "I avoid DC work, and don't like it at all".

"I live in an AC world" means that the work projects I do are almost exclusively 120VAC and above AC designs.
If I lived in a DC world, I would design semiconductors all day, but I don't do that.

So obviously there is much that is misconstruded due to language.

I had a Korean guy in my drafting class, and he taught me pretty much everything good that I know about manual drafting.
He was a brilliant guy.
I asked him what he wanted to do in school and life, and he said he wanted to get into law school, but could could not master the nuances of the English language.
Wording in a case law is everything, and leaving out a single comma can totally change the meaning of a sentence. Usage.pdf


"I dedicate this book to my parents, Ayn Rand and God.” means that God is one of your parents.
"I dedicate this book to my parents, Ayn, Rand, and God.” means that your parents are "Ayn" and "Rand", and you are also dedicating the book to "God".

There is nothing I can do to ensure that the entire world understands what I am saying and implying.

Like the saying goes "Don't try to save the whales".
And more importantly, note that some whales undoubtably don't even want to be saved.

Edit 01:

Metaphors and similes can be confusing.
The world is like a spinning ball.
The world is a spinning ball.

Neither statement is meant to be taken literally, but instead must be used in a figurative context.

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It didn't take long for this thread to arrive at an office topic confrontation...

You could call it a "confrontation", or you could call it a "misunderstanding".

I think it is important to explain things when things are misunderstood, since that seems to be the root of most confrontations, ie: a simple misunderstanding that could be talked-out.

Sometimes it takes some talking to reach a level plane of understanding, and that is ok, and normal; and not a confrontation at all, but rather just a discussion.

In my line of work (consulting engineering), it is very common to have very heated/passionate discussions, where there are multiple personalities involved, and many competing theories/ideas on what will work best overall in any given situation.

I have the final say on how the design goes, because I have to stamp the drawings, and I have to provide the liability insurance to cover the design should it not work (very expensive insurance).

Often some very good design ideas come from the group, not from me, and a group concensus is generally a better design than the work of a single person. The design not only has to work well, but must be modular, accessible, maintainable, robust and durable, etc.
The designs that I work on are complex and open to more than one interpretation as far as what is considered the best approach.
The final design is a hybrid of the objectives desired.

I ask people to check their egos at the door when they enter my meetings, and focus on the design objectives, and finding ways to satisfy everyone's objectives in a cost effective manner.
If you can shift people away from an egocentric "my design is best", to a group-centric "a hybrid group-approach design is best" attitude, then you can generally come up with some very good designs.
On rare occasions, I have had to expel individuals from the group, if they are creating a toxic situation and are obstructing progress with the design.

A design is much like carving a statue from a block of marble.
I start by roughing out a basic design, and the group adds the fine details that actually makes the statue a complete and finished entity.
Various people can add features as long as the function of the design is not negatively affected, and as long as the Owner is willing to fund the features and sees them as cost-effective addition.

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No .
Other comments such as: thermal expansion with diameter of 1 or 2 mm., 0.03 mm pump stroke....bla bla... They really overload me.

What you have to remember is that this information may be important to others, and you must realize that everyone is reading this information, and perhaps using it, on an open forum.
That is why people read forums.
If it overloads you, just skip to the next post, and let others read and use it.

But sometimes, knowing less is better because won't get annoyed...
It should be noted that the world is full of annoying people.

If you are unable to filter out what annoys you, then you will find yourself in a constant state of agitation, and you are letting annoying things totally control your life.

Take control of your thoughts, and focus on what you are doing; .....let go of the rest.

The saying is "don't try to swim with millstones".
You can't do it for very long.

I am generally willing to post a response to a question or when being asked for advice if its a subject I'm relatively comfortable with. In other cases I've learned to shut up, as some who may be regular contributors are using forums more as a blog, and don't care to listen to advice given, even when it would obviously save them time / effort or frustration - they just like to share their story, and in some cases I think the more trials and tribulations the better the story. They only spottily engage in responding to comments made unless from a select few.

So my take is find your own happy place with how much help /advice / knowledge you share, and maybe look at the situation - who are you directing your comment to? The original poster or like Jason said - the people who may read in the future. Maybe the person will not take your advice, but at least a person reading will be better informed and can make their own decision. But don't post anything expecting something back. That way you'll never be disappointed.
I am generally willing to post a response to a question or when being asked for advice if its a subject I'm relatively comfortable with. In other cases I've learned to shut up, as some who may be regular contributors are using forums more as a blog, and don't care to listen to advice given, even when it would obviously save them time / effort or frustration - they just like to share their story, and in some cases I think the more trials and tribulations the better the story. They only spottily engage in responding to comments made unless from a select few.

So my take is find your own happy place with how much help /advice / knowledge you share, and maybe look at the situation - who are you directing your comment to? The original poster or like Jason said - the people who may read in the future. Maybe the person will not take your advice, but at least a person reading will be better informed and can make their own decision. But don't post anything expecting something back. That way you'll never be disappointed.

Sage advice for sure.

You avoid using DC and you create a new topic about PLC, PLC programming, sensors..?? Is it too contradictory??
To me that's really crazy
Yes, this is an open forum. , anyone can register and participate in the discussion .. everyone has the right to express their opinions, but those opinions should come from basic technical principles .... or at least they should be Verify and measure, or at least come from experience
You avoid using DC and you create a new topic about PLC, PLC programming, sensors..?? Is it too contradictory??
No, not contradictory at all.
My work requires that I be able to do it, but I don't enjoy doing that low voltage stuff.

Sort of like going to the dentist, knowing that I may experience extreme pain, but I still go because I want to have teeth.
Not contradictory at all.

Are you suggesting that we can only create threads about topics that we like ?
Seems like we are trying to apply random and arbitrary constraints on what someone feels is acceptable material that is allowed to be posted on this forum.

Is your focus only on what others are posting, instead of where it should be, such as focusing on our own posts and your own work ?

everyone has the right to express their opinions, but those opinions should come from basic technical principles .... or at least they should be Verify and measure, or at least come from experience
So you are proposing some sort of thought police to check everyone's posts, and make sure no rules/principles are violated?
In who's opinion is something right or wrong ?
Who's experience will you be assuming is the "correct" experience ?

Surely you understand that such an idea is preposterous, and unworkable ?
Not trying to argue, but just pointing out a few things that I think need to be clarified.

The title of this thread seems to suggest you are looking for comments, and feedback, so here you have it; an exchange of thoughts/opinions/ideas shared freely on an open forum.
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Don't try to put me on a different path
The conclusion is: Let's say something based on basic principles of engineering. Say what you've actually done, things that have been proven.!!
So while your topic suggests you are asking a question, what you are really doing is making a statement that "this is the only way we can do things here".

So not really a question then, and thus there is no question mark in the thread topic.

With all due respect, I understand your opinion completely, but I don't agree that it is practical in any way to implement.

This is not a "basic principles of engineering" forum, or a "proven facts only" forum, or a "only post what you have actually done" forum, it is an open, public HOBBY forum, set up to be used to share information by people at ALL levels of knowledge and experience.

The focus should be on learning, having fun, and enjoying the hobby.
That is the way it must be for everyone here.
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When I was young, I had an opinion for about any subject and I was often correcting what others said a lot.
Now that I am old, I am just beginning to understand what is meant by "with Age comes Wisdom."

I often hold my comments and opinions for a period of time rather than jumping right in as soon as I want to. Usually I find there was really no need for my (unposted) input: Someone else had a better idea or explained something better than me. Replying to this thread is an example: I have been following it but have not replied until now.

I often qualify my input or even state that what I will say next is an observation or a biased opinion or that my present post can be skipped for a stated reason. If I am participating in a stream of "banter" I try to put more self-imposed filters on what I will add or I will be prepared to apologize. (Or I make sure my parenthetical thought is a parenthetical comment, like this one. I don't want to appear to be the 15-year-old who just made an off-color remark in a sober and serious situation.)

And then..... language has nuances of meaning that mean different things to different individuals and in different cultures, as was stated above. Individuals may also have personal reasons why they express themselves in a certain way or misunderstand something someone says. I try to constantly keep this in mind and consider that I may be misunderstanding what someone else meant and I need to recheck and reconsider what I thought I saw.

Thanks Shop Shoe. I must learn from your advice! (Was that shouts of "Please!" and "about time" from the crowd?). Your comments make me feel young..... as
I still jump in with big feet - and stupid remarks.
Yesterday I was "expelled" from my local Model Club by a committee member who "made a joke" - which I interpreted as unfair criticism - so reacted badly! - Then turned my back and exited when he angrily "gave me a dressing down...!" - Upsetting.
It is a HOBBY. The club is a place to which I go to meet friends and discuss "Model Engineering" - and do stuff with Models.
Like this website. So we do have to take care as to what we say and to whom. There are many "witnesses" who can mis-interpret our communications if we do not exact care in wording our posts.
- That's life. I have said & written the wrong thing at the wrong time before, and try to learn from it (unsuccessfully?). :oops:
I found a scale steam locomotive group about an hour from my house, and went to visit them one weekend a few years ago.
I arrived and met the president of the club.

He said a few things about the club, and then proceeded to release the longest political screed I have ever heard, against his favorite politician's opponent.

Does not really matter who the screed was for or against; it was uncalled for.

I walked around the site for a few minutes, got back in my car, and drove home.
I don't join political clubs, regardless of which side they may support.

Just have fun; leave the politics at home.

As far as criticisms I receive, I have to honestly consider if there may be some truth to what is said, and so I try to address the concerns expressed, without taking it personally.
Once you personalize things, then the conversation can only go in one diretion, which is down.

If I read something that irks me into typing an immediate response - then as my fingers fly to the keyboard, my internal moderator says Woah!

That is a sure indicator that I should refrain from posting and I wait a day or so to see how others respond before jumping in. At least 50% of the time it resolves itself without my opinion and in some cases has saved me from making as ass of myself.

I particularly ignore ad-hominem remarks as unworthy of any response.

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt!"

(Variously attributed to Abe Lincoln, Mark Twain and others)

Regards, Ken I

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