Focus on something .

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Dec 29, 2016
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Viet Nam
I had one of my comments deleted by a forum administrator in a thread -this is the first time since i know the internet.., I was wrong and went too far , I'm sorry
I have a habit of focusing only on one particular issue
For example, if I join a forum about mechanics or electricity, I only focus on mechanics and electricity. On this forum I'm just focusing on engine models, a comment or two on the side doesn't matter much but don't go too far.
Just like in a particular topic - I want it to revolve around that theme only , comments like : who designed it ? When was it built? And for what purpose? enough - don't go into historical details...
I like a seamless story, throughout .
I should focus on my project .
I will offer a few words, which is how I have come to view life in general, for what these words are worth (my 2 cents on life).

Life is a tapestry, full of various colors, textures, all woven together.

Life is not black and white, but shades of gray, and also an infinite number of colors.

Life is messy; that is ok.

Knowledge is power.
If you know and understand, you can create.

Sharing is golden.
My knowledge would be a fraction of what it is without the very generous sharing of the knowledge by others throughout my lifetime.

I really like this poem from John Donne.
Here is the beginning of it:

No Man Is an Island

No man is an island,
Entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.

Some folks wear shaded glasses, and see only a narrow monocrhomatic spectrum of life.
Take off the shades and see the full prism of life.
Be a part of the main.


I think any one of us can get the urge to go off topic from time to time, and it's not always a bad thing. I am sometimes guilty of this myself. Some members of this or other forums encourage "banter," which I tend to add to from time to time. The way I see it we are a community, and being part of a community means different things to different people.

FWIW, I tend to follow a list of ideas that are "rules" to me-myself, and try not to offend.

STOP and THINK -- Several times a week I DON'T post things that were immediate reactions to something and on reflection seem that they could be misunderstood or that would not add to ANY part of the discussion.

TAG OT posts -- If I think I'm going too far I may put a notice at the beginning of a post that it is OT, incidental, or some other thing: that way readers can skip it and get on with the main discussion.

EXPLAIN -- If I think an attempt at humor or a reference to personal experience or something else may be misinterpreted I may put in a parenthetical comment or some more explanation as to how it may relate to the thread.

KNOW WHO YOU ARE RESPONDING TO -- Sometimes I have to re-read several previous posts to find what created my desire to respond. Many times I misinterpreted someting or found someone else already provided the information needed. So: No need to post. If you need to clarify who you are speaking to, use their name.

There is also a related consideration if there is a language or geographical consideration that may cause misinterpretation: Consider the internet and the forum to be international.

There is also a possibility that a poster may have a personal condition that could affect what they post or how they express themselves. Be kind.

AVOID HOT-BUTTON ISSUES -- With the possible exception of the Break Room area, please keep religion, politics, national policies, and related subjects to yourself. There are plenty of other forums out there for you to join.

START A NEW THREAD -- If you think a thread is starting to branch into multiple subjects, start a new thread for discussion(s) of those things.


I mean no disrespect by writing the above, but doing so helps me keep my own house in order, so to speak.


I have been a follower and admirer of your efforts and comments on this forum since you joined. I want you to know that when I wrote the above post I was not speaking to you alone. I did not see the post that was deleted, but I understand your viewpoint and I have no direct criticism of you or your right to express your own opinion.

Thank You for posting,

I got way off topic recently with comments, and so was asked by a moderator if they could be deleted.

"No problem" I said.
Some of my comments were deleted, the thread was cleaned up, and life went on as usual.

I try hard to stay on-topic, but it is easy to lose track of what the topic is, and even who is posting it.
I am not exactly a spring chicken anymore, and so it is good that my brain still functions as well as it does, or functions at all.

I try to break out a separate topic if I think the material I want to add may be only indirectly related to a topic, so as not to clutter up the original thread.

The process is a bit messy, and far from perfect by any measure.
Lots of folks contribute to many threads here, which created a nice community for sharing ideas and projects.

If you have ever been on a forum where nobody posts anything, then basically it becomes a static situation, and all communication between members stops.

Static forums are no fun at all, although they do have some value as far as the information they may contain (if you can find it).

Its all good in my opinion as long as people are not afraid to jump in, post comments, and get a learning/sharing dialog going.
I have seen some who lurk behind the scenes, and are afraid to post anything ever.

All you lurkers need to come out and join in the conversations.
We need your contributions to the knowledge base.
Start a dialog; ask questions; we all learn from such an exchange.
Everyone has something to share.

I was born with no knowledge at all, and everything I know was gifted to me as knowledge by someone else, and for that I am extremely grateful.

One of my professors at the Technical University of Delft advised his male students to counter (mostly sentimental) distractions of the study by setting the lower body parts for some time in a bucket filled with cold water. He advised to keep such a bucket in your room for this purpose. He was very focussed on focus.
I try to remember the definition of the "ohmygodisecond (OMGS)." We know that a millisecond is 1/1000 of a second and a microsecond is 1/1,000,000 of a second, both very short durations. The OMGS is even smaller: the duration between hitting "Post" (or "Send") and the realization that you shouldn't have done so.
For me I tend to repond only to topics that my input may be of help, Those areas are combustion (Burners) and electrical controls systems (Arduino or other PLC) I am a intermediate manual machinist with a son that runs a cnc shop. The interesting thing is that the largest influence in my live is my religious belief system. The definition of religeon most often used doesn't include the largest religion of all (scientific theory.)

Art B
Proof reading is 100% just after you hit the POST button. Even for mods/admins. And everyone gets a post deleted once in awhile, maybe just by quoting a post that was deleted for a cause. So, don't get worried about it unless your posts and threads are usually deleted for a reason.
I have only had one post deleted over the many years that I have been a member, and that was due to my thoughts regarding who owns the copyright to our work and comments posted here . Needless to say I still believe that forums , including this one , are the property of the members and are only kept alive by the members posts.
I try to remember the definition of the "ohmygodisecond (OMGS)." We know that a millisecond is 1/1000 of a second and a microsecond is 1/1,000,000 of a second, both very short durations. The OMGS is even smaller: the duration between hitting "Post" (or "Send") and the realization that you shouldn't have done so.
I think the metric/scientific unit for that is the "OhNoSecond" (the time it takes between doing something and realizing "Oh No" I should not have done that) :) !!!