What is your purpose in getting into the hobby of building model engines?

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Dec 29, 2016
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Viet Nam
What is your purpose in getting into the hobby of building model engines?
My purpose:
A long time ago, I had some trouble.....and I needed something so I could focus on it and forget about my troubles...when I had some free time
I also have a few other hobbies, but mechanical engineering is my biggest hobby and I also do a few small projects..
After watching a few videos on youtube about model engines, and I wondered: "why not?"
More than 3 years of self-study, learning and practicing and with lots and lots of practice and lots and lots of discarded parts, sometimes trying to take advantage of it for another project...It was a terrible time but it also gave me something to focus on
........and forget the unpleasant things and difficulties..
And to this day, the modeling engine is still something that gives me something to focus on
And what is your purpose?
During my college days studying mechanical engineering I made a Stirling engine for some project.
Then life took over and I forgot about it.
Then I somehow started watching Keith Appleton video on YouTube. This rekindled my interest in model engines. One thing lead to another and I bought a lathe and then a milling machine.
I am an impatient or maybe an impulsive person. I want things to happen quickly. Maybe this hobby will teach me patience. Earlier if I needed to machine something to say 18mm dia then 18.1 or 17.9 mm was good for me. I wanted results immediately and could not be patient enough to be precise. Now I try to get as close to dimensions as possible. It still doesn't work all the time but I try. I still don't consider myself patient enough to tackle IC engines.

My grandfather lived in the bay area of CA and was interested in steam locomotives since he grew up next to narrow gauge railroads in Colorado. He often visited the Golden Gate live steamers and let me ride the steam trains. In the late 40's early 50's, he had a Cole's catalog laying about. The cover had a picture of a Wall 15 and it grabbed me. 30 years later I got some machinery and built that engine as my first, and it still runs with a magneto. Been making engines since.
as a kid i saw a meat tenderizing hammer machined by someone in trade school entered in the crafts and such exhibits. it was the most bueatiful thing made of metal i had ever seen, engine turning or jewling swirls, high polish, knurled handle etc. i loved it. from that day on i wanted to learn to machine but life lead me down the road of a different trade. then i finally got my first lathe and wanted to make shiney things that moved with gears and the works so an engine became a bucket list thing for me and after the first one i was hooked. still dont have many under my belt but working on it.
My dad's hobby was building model engines after he retired, and he was like the Energizer Bunny of model engine making, with steam and hot air engines (35), two steam bicycles, and a steam auto.

Life was very busy, and I was not that close to dad, so we never got together to do more than just chat casually about a few engines.

I inherited his lathe, mill and tooling in 2006, and set about learning machining, and learning the model engine design process.
I progressed from 2D drawings eventually into 3D modeling, and progressed from barstock construction to poured castings in gray iron.

It was like a stairstep type advance; I would master one area, and then attempt to move up to the next level.
I have been surprised at how far I have gotten.
I never really expected to get very far in the hobby.

And while a really enjoy the hobby in and of itself, I do find a lot of peace of mind when I am working on engines, castings, or 3D modeling, because the focus required tends to shut out all the negatives in life that can be distracting.

Work has become so intense in the last few years that I have not had any hobby time.
These days, all I have time to do is blog on this forum about random topics.
I long for the day when I can fire up the furnace again and pour some iron parts.

I have been taking time to develop the 3D model for the Ball Hopper Monitor, with the intent of finally building an IC engine, which is my next dream to accomplish.

I find this to be a great hobby, and with some very helpful model engineers out there all over the world who contribute their knowledge, and basically make it possible for me to figure all the modeling design things that I need to succeed.

What is your purpose in getting into the hobby of building model engines?
My purpose:
A long time ago, I had some trouble.....and I needed something so I could focus on it and forget about my troubles...when I had some free time
I also have a few other hobbies, but mechanical engineering is my biggest hobby and I also do a few small projects..
After watching a few videos on youtube about model engines, and I wondered: "why not?"
More than 3 years of self-study, learning and practicing and with lots and lots of practice and lots and lots of discarded parts, sometimes trying to take advantage of it for another project...It was a terrible time but it also gave me something to focus on
........and forget the unpleasant things and difficulties..
And to this day, the modeling engine is still something that gives me something to focus on
And what is your purpose?
I got to small engines because big was a lot of work. I work on D8 cats everything in heavy.
Now the biggest will be machined on mini lathe.
If drop a part on mini engines I am using dust pan. A full size I an think see your doctor.

Apart from the hobby simply being awesome in and of itself, it takes my mind off things I shouldn't be focusing on. I think it's a challenging hobby and getting difficult things right gives a sense of achievement and improves ones self image. It's also something you can happily share and look back on hours of spent time and not be ashamed of having wasted your time on things not worthy of your consideration. When I turned 30 I looked back on my 20's and realized I had not achieved much. The next ten years were and improvement and this hobby is part of a bigger plan so when I turn 50 I can look back with an even greater sense of achievement and satisfaction.
I have found that a side benefit of this hobby is that by working out challenging projects in this hobby, such as complex 3D modeling, I can actually used the skills gained for my work projects.

The hobby has sharpened my technical/analytical skills considerably, especially with figuring out long sequences/process/organization/progressive order approach things.

My work skills reflect into this hobby, and often my hobby skills reflect back into my work projects.
A win-win situation in my opinion.

Hi, I have read this thread with interest and some concern. I have joined this forum to learn from others and get ideas about many subjects. I am interested in all points of view so am concerned when there is a suggestion that some posts should be deleted because they may be wrong..even an “incorrect” post may be helpful by simply presenting another viewpoint which can then be discarded by the reader.
IMHO, the purpose of moderation is to ensure that posts which are abusive, racist, personal attacks or in some way generally offensive, are removed. I do not expect anyone to validate the data presented, I am happy to take all views on board then apply my own filters.
I think why has changed.
If look at 1920s to the 1960's getting hopping to make next thing.

Today with low cost imports you just anything so this group is on electronics and computers.

Now have just for fun and few doing repairs.

Other hobbies are same boat. Just try film photography till the new electronic cameras you see a lot photo stores. Today good luck finding one.
Some hobbies are rebounding Today.

So, this is the thread I created, you took my topic in a different direction and created a lot of controversy...So is it different from what you are saying?? Is it different from what you are complaining about??
Second thing, Currently, I am a Mod of the forum - that's like I am a member with Mod rights to my topic and I delete all your comments, How do you feel??? Don't tell me you feel fine!!!!!!!!!
Open forum: try to adapt to it!!
There is no perfect way !!
You have the right to object or disagree with a comment, please try to polite and respect everyone.!!
(off topic)
I would have given this a thumbs up, but I do not want to. Because that would have maybe ment I disagree with @peterl95124 :).
Is he totally wrong?
I do not disagree and I do not agree. (still trying to overthink it and I probalby will not go back and read all the longish comments) "My own comment is already getting too long once again" Sorry for that! (I am working on it, should clean my workshop).

Sometimes I wish the forum would be a little more a "reference" handbook, but it would remove so much of the fun an exchange in a lot of ways.

The forum is not a wikipedia, were we try to only collect facts.
The forum is not a blog, maybe that can be done in the Media section. I can post my daily progress reports or whatever. It cannot be disturbed and I am in charge there! Others may or may not read it.

Censorship is a dangerous task. Who am I that I can judge what is right or wrong? I can judge what I think is right. (is it right? I wouldn*t know, If I knew plus there are no "off topics allowed" what would I do in a forum?)

Some people disapprove when "off topic" posts or other posts "steal their show". Who can tell for what reason a comment was removed.
What you are stealing my show? "...wait, I will shut you down, make you disappear from my topic..."
Would that be good? Is peterl95124 proposing evil censorship? probably not.
The risk that stupid and ignorant people will delete corrections of knowledgable and educated people is probably higher than the risk that stupid and ignorant people ruin it for all of us.
The risk that "self-promoters" bore us to death is higher, than the risk that I learn a new method of doing something (even though it is not in the rule book of the thread cerberus)

My personal opinion: All in all the forum does a good job; not shutting down off topic; sometimes even managing to come back "on topic"; not dismissing beginners questions; not getting into unhealthy controversy and last but not least keeping personal insults at a bareable level.

Example: I can tell a beginner who is asking for the 20th time (for me), for 1st time (for him) to goole it. (what brought him here in the first place).
Or I can give him a hint to an older thread, or give him an answer how I do it (which might be different from others way to do it).
I can get upset that someone dares to ask the same dumb question yet again, but maybe some beginners who do not have the problem right now read "what is new" and learn something useful by coincidence.

So do not rush into cencorship without focus on the down sides. The evil will amplify the downsides more efficient than one would imagine.
"Experts only"? Experts on what? It happens a bit that the "hijacker" of a thread produce fun, controversy, new aspects.

Greetings Timo

Deleting other peoples comments? Think about it!
Overloading a valuable question with an off topic chat? think about that too!
Posting dangerous half knowledge? (nope, that is all I can do, if I stop doing that, I can as well log out an never come back :cool: )

p.s. 90 min gone, no workshop cleaned, not a single chip made.
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I made a steam engine to have some practice piece on the metal lathe. I was always curious about metal lathe work and never had the chance to use one more than one hour. Having interest and a lathe (paid by employer) I searched for a start.
And now I made a very few engines, mainly as alibi to "be allowed to post dangerous half knowledge in an internet forum".
My true hobbies are collecting metal working tools, messing up my workshop and procrastination. (the latter includes posting weird comments on the internet and of course watching lots of Youtube videos about other people doing things... and ... reading weird comments of others)
The beauty of an open forum with sometimes random information and responses is that sometimes I use all of the inputs from everyone, even if some of the inputs are a bit off, and I come up with a hybrid solution which consists of a bit of everything everyone has said, perhaps used in a slightly different way.

Sometimes the most off comments/ideas jar me to think of a solution that I would not otherwise have thought of.

Sometimes folks add their experiences regarding a topic, which may be very different than the original poster, and together, all these ideas give a much broader spectrum of experience and ideas, and make for a far more interesting topic, and not just a monchromatic narrow-scoped topic.

I will take an open-idea chaotic forum any day over something that has cherry-picked predetermined ideas.
Life is a broad spectrum of colors, personalities, and ideas, and that is a good thing.
I see the wide variety of ideas presented as a very strategic advantage, which provides a big advantage if you understand how to use it.

And a chaotic forum is just more fun and more interesting.
Don't like chaos?
Perhaps a more static situation like a website, with static information is more suited to what you are trying to achieve.

Forums are not static websites, but rather very dynamic places with all sorts of people and personalities.
Lets let forums be forums.

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(off topic)
I would have given this a thumbs up, but I do not want to. Because that would have maybe ment I disagree with @peterl95124 :).
Is he totally wrong?
I do not disagree and I do not agree. (still trying to overthink it and I probalby will not go back and read all the longish comments) "My own comment is already getting too long once again" Sorry for that! (I am working on it, should clean my workshop).

Sometimes I wish the forum would be a little more a "reference" handbook, but it would remove so much of the fun an exchange in a lot of ways.

The forum is not a wikipedia, were we try to only collect facts.
The forum is not a blog, maybe that can be done in the Media section. I can post my daily progress reports or whatever. It cannot be disturbed and I am in charge there! Others may or may not read it.

Censorship is a dangerous task. Who am I that I can judge what is right or wrong? I can judge what I think is right. (is it right? I wouldn*t know, If I knew plus there are no "off topics allowed" what would I do in a forum?)

Some people disapprove when "off topic" posts or other posts "steal their show". Who can tell for what reason a comment was removed.
What you are stealing my show? "...wait, I will shut you down, make you disappear from my topic..."
Would that be good? Is peterl95124 proposing evil censorship? probably not.
The risk that stupid and ignorant people will delete corrections of knowledgable and educated people is probably higher than the risk that stupid and ignorant people ruin it for all of us.
The risk that "self-promoters" bore us to death is higher, than the risk that I learn a new method of doing something (even though it is not in the rule book of the thread cerberus)

My personal opinion: All in all the forum does a good job; not shutting down off topic; sometimes even managing to come back "on topic"; not dismissing beginners questions; not getting into unhealthy controversy and last but not least keeping personal insults at a bareable level.

Example: I can tell a beginner who is asking for the 20th time (for me), for 1st time (for him) to goole it. (what brought him here in the first place).
Or I can give him a hint to an older thread, or give him an answer how I do it (which might be different from others way to do it).
I can get upset that someone dares to ask the same dumb question yet again, but maybe some beginners who do not have the problem right now read "what is new" and learn something useful by coincidence.

So do not rush into cencorship without focus on the down sides. The evil will amplify the downsides more efficient than one would imagine.
"Experts only"? Experts on what? It happens a bit that the "hijacker" of a thread produce fun, controversy, new aspects.

Greetings Timo

Deleting other peoples comments? Think about it!
Overloading a valuable question with an off topic chat? think about that too!
Posting dangerous half knowledge? (nope, that is all I can do, if I stop doing that, I can as well log out an never come back :cool: )

p.s. 90 min gone, no workshop cleaned, not a single chip made.
I been groups where they had a thread without cencorship.
They finally removed the thread. Still very liberal today.
In slow time it was thread had most posts.

I have also see group die because it very strick on the subject.

I belive it is balanced keeps a good group alive and to have fun.

I design many large infrastructure projects, and we have a kickoff meeting before we start.

Everyone with a stake in the project is invited to the meeting, including the maintenance folks, the financial folks, the managers, the operators, floor sweepers, etc.

Everyone states what they think is important, and why, and then the design becomes a combination of all of those thoughts and ideas, with everyone's input being considered important.

Major design issues are a result of a concensus from all the players, and everyone must agree on the path taken before the project begins.

This approach works well, since everyone feels like it is their project, and they feel like they are an integral part of the project, and thus they all pitch in to make sure the project succeeds.
If a problem does arise, people say "What do WE do to solve OUR problem", and everyone helps work things out.

Sometimes I have to ask individuals "How can we accomplish your goals and also meet the needs of these other folks?".
And so we come up with a hybrid solution to some very complex problems.

This is how it is done successfully in the real world.
I do it every day; successfully.

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