Hi from Norway

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Active Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Hi everyone
I just registered on the forum. It sees like e very good forum with a lot of knowledge.
About my self.
I just passed 60 and has been a hobby machinist for the last 5 years. I took my apprenticeship as a toolmaker some 40+ years ago. I haven't been practice machining since my apprenticeship but it has always been in my mind. Some about 5 years ago i bought my fist 3 in one late/mill, rotary table, tooling and a band saw and started my first project. Later I bought the X3 mill and removed the milling head from the 3 in one. I have DRO´s on the mill and have put a stepper motor and control on the rotary table. My first project was a two cylinder steam engine based on French drawing I found on the net. In between I have made a lot go tools and a cutter grinder to sharpen my mills. The cutter grinder is made after drawings published in the MEW. Now I just started on the Hamilton Uphur´s Twin published in the Model Engine Builder. Crank case and crank shaft are completed and have started on the crank rods and cylinders.
I have been off the workshop for a short year but now I'm back enjoying my self whenever I have some spare time.

Welcome to our forum. wEc1

Best Regards
Hi Poppy.
Welcome may carry on enjoying yourself. *beer*
Welcome poppy, I'm glad you are having such a great time in the workshop, hope you enjoy your time on the forum too!
poppy welcome to the board.
I took the liberty of adding your location to personal text.
Makes it easier when answering questions .
Hi Poppy.
welcome "onboard" to best modelbuilder-forum on earth ;D
Nice to see other Norwegian joining.
I have allso buildt the Upshure Twin but sorry to say never managed to have it run ??? if anny qustion just ask and you will get answers from the great guys here at
Home Model Engine Machinist.
Ps. Hvor holder du til i Norge( where are your location in Norway).

Best Regards
Bård Tafjord
AKA CS/ crankshafter
crankshafter said:
Hi Poppy.
welcome "onboard" to best modelbuilder-forum on earth ;D
Nice to see other Norwegian joining.
I have allso buildt the Upshure Twin but sorry to say never managed to have it run ??? if anny qustion just ask and you will get answers from the great guys here at
Home Model Engine Machinist.
Ps. Hvor holder du til i Norge( where are your location in Norway).

Best Regards
Bård Tafjord
AKA CS/ crankshafter

A big welcome from another Norwegian!
Are any of you located in Trondheim by any chance?

Regards, Haavard H
Hi Hauk.
Not so far away. I live in Molde.
men æ e trønder æ.
Welcome to the forum Poppy!!!

Post some pictures of what you are making!
We all love the see what each other is making!

Welcome Poppy

Looking forward to seeing some photos of your Upshur twin
Hello Poppy

Welcome and I am very glad to have You from our former crowncolony to be wise guy to.
Napoleon was bad .
If You have three times 220 volt as supply and need a 1.5 kW Danfoss VFD in perfect order
I will bee more than happy to send it to Norway as developing aid.
I hooked it on our system (3*380) without grounding and it nearly killed me once.
Will be happy to see it go.

Kind regards from Denmark

Can we have a picture of Your tool grinder?
No hidden intensions.
Hi Im from Sola
Thank you all for the welcome, look forward to join you all. How do I upload pictures?

Hi Niels
Sorry that you do not run Norway any more, than we did not have to buy liquor at Vinmonepolet ;) ;)
But thanks for selling us Ekofisk :D
Thanks for the VSD but I have 3x380 my self. I have two VSD that I use on single phase 230V giving 3x230 V to the motor. One I use on the lathe and one is supposed to be used on the band saw when I change out the china motor with a proper one.
I have uploaded pix of the grinder. I use the same collet chuck on the grinder as on the lathe. I'm planning to modify it with sliding bars instead of the plate and the wheels as well as putting on a holder for grinding HSS square tools.