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These things always remind me of a law suit that was settled in the early 1980's.

Some intelligent man in his 30's was trimming his hedges.
He was holding his rotary lawn mower by it's deck moving it back and forth over
top of the hedges to trim them flat. His grip slipped and the mower tilted badly
mangling his right arm.

He sued the manufacturer of that rotary lawn mower and won a $5 Million settlement.

The operators manual did NOT state ANYWHERE in it's contents that you should
not use that machine to trim your hedges.

Take a look at the users manual for your lawn mower.
Somewhere in there you will find a notice that mower should not be used for any other

That notice was inspired by $5 Million lefty.



Opinion from an oldtimer.

Industrial safety standards should be improved and improvements should be adopted without the need for financial justification. Financial justification ultimately results in some silly equation of life and limb vs profit. When that silly equation hits the nightly news headlines, everyone is appalled!

Industrial safety standards need not apply to non-industrial use. I do not wear steel toed shoes in the shop. I do not wear a back support brace. I do not wear a hard hat. I do not wear ear plugs. I do not have yellow lines on the floor marking hazardous areas.

I do wear safety glasses and I do have current fire extinguishers in the shop. Because I work alone in a remote location, I have installed a telephone with autodial that can be reached from the floor. I think about safety and understand that I can be injured if I do something stupid.

Which statement is closer to the truth?

1. The table saw hurt me.

2. I hurt myself with the table saw.

If you answer #1, you are more likely to be hurt by your table saw, your drill, your lathe, your telephone, your toothbrush or your coffee cup than if you answer #2.

Wow, it feels good to get that off my chest!


bearcar1 said:
That is not exactly true although it may seem so to many people. Insurance is so high because of all of the numb nuts morons that haven't got enough sense to perform a task safely and we all know of at least one in our lives and read about them and see them constantly on the airwaves, suing for huge sums of money because of their ignorance, carelessness, and or greed. Plain and simple. If folks ceased in the practice of suing companies as has seemed to have become the social standard in the last 35yrs. and started being consciously aware and responsible in their day to day lives the country would be a better place as a whole and perhaps insurance would not have to be so outrageously high to companies.


And I suppose those lawsuits aren't being paid by the liability insurance the manufacturers carry?
dieselpilot said:
And I suppose those lawsuits aren't being paid by the liability insurance the manufacturers carry?

I am quite sure they are paid by the insurance companies.
That is what keeps the premium rates climbing.

Many years ago i did a lot of shooting ,i was an active member of a gun club.
I can recall on more than one occasion after a accidental discharge the guilty person saying "the safety catch was on"
As far as i am concerned if the chamber is loaded or the bolt closed it can fire.
I adopt the same attitude to my machine tools (if they are wired up they will run)
You do not need a guard or a notice to tell you not to poke your finger in to a running gear train,
Don't get me wrong guards should always be in place ,but common sense plays a big part in being safe
'Common sense' DB?

I think that word was dropped from the English language about 20 years ago.

Most of the kids nowadays have absolutely none, it has been replaced by 'couldn't care less' and arrogance.

Looking at a lot of them, if they went to pick their nose, I would hate to think where their finger would end up.

Finger up their a**e and brain in neutral springs to mind.

This is the honest truth. When my mid twenties son-in-law came to help me with building my covered way a few weeks ago, I asked him to screw some small woodscrews thru a bracket. A couple of minutes later, I looked at him, and there were screws all over the ground. 'They won't screw in', he said. 'Show me', says I.

He was only turning the screwdriver the wrong way.

I very quickly gave him a crash course on how a screwdriver, adjustable spanner and a hammer worked. When I questioned him as to why he didn't know the basics, his reply was, 'I've never had to do it before'. Thank goodness I taught my daughter how to be self sufficient when it comes to doing jobs around their house.

If I can find one that quickly, there must be millions of them out there, walking around in pure ignorant bliss.

That sums it up .
Lots of them cant Even cross a road ,they just wander out as if the world owes them a living.
Mind you there are some good kids out there that want to work and learn.
I had a young lad come in to the garage a couple of years ago wanting a job , we were quiet at the time so i could not help him .
He kept coming back ,eventually saying he would work for a month without pay , and if he was no good i could tell him to p%$£s off .
I gave the lad a chance ,after half a shift you could tell he was different ,he could even use a sweeping brush.
He is now a valued member of staff.
Sorry for getting of subject
kf2qd said:
What ever happened to the user/worker being taught some safety procedures and being expected to be inteligent enough that he actually uses the safety instruction?

I think the important words here are 'inteligent enough'
A while back I was getting a small cable pit replaced in the carpark at my work.
My national safety manager had flown over and was going to audit my building.
I went out that morning and had a 'toolbox meeting' with my contractors and reminded them my national safety manager was coming so be extra sure they are wearing safety vests, have the pit guarded and wear all appropriate PPE for the task they are doing.

So of course when we went outside so my manager could do a on the spot audit we found one of the contractors using a petrol powered hand held brick cutter in the middle of the carpark with no guarding to keep the general public away, no hearing protection and no safety glasses. When we stopped him he had the gaul to say he know what the reguations were and if he didn't want to wear safety glasses or hearing protection he didn't need to.
I complained to that companies manager and he had him removed from my site and gave him a talking to. He fired him the next week when he went out to another site and saw the guy doing the same thing.....................

Some people just don't listen or want to learn..........
tmuir said:
Some people just don't listen or want to learn..........

Amen to that statement T', amen indeed. That is one of THE biggest annoyances that I have about anybody, the fact that they quantify some lame excuse to justify there actions.

I have this theory that human evolution has stopped and humans are devolving. Portions of the gene pool that should be removed by Darwinism are not due to technology and medicine. The human race is getting weaker. You don't have to fight to survive anymore. You don't even have to be responsible to survive.
A few posts back Blogs used the term "common sense"..... it would seem that this elusive creature isnt so 'common'....

Also the term 'common sense' fits into the same category as 'military intelligence'. Some would say that they both are examples of oxymoronic speak.

I completely agree with Zees coments, anything that makes my children safer is ok with me. As for me? Yep I have a nasty scare on my finger from a close encounter with a bandsaw blade. It wasnt my machine and I never entertained the thought of suing the owner over MY stupidity.

I still have the finger (and it still works) but it took a bit of surgery to make it 'mine' again. This was a day when 'common sense' wasnt so common..... 8)

Mr. Common Sense

Mr. Sense had been with us for many years.
No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early
bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable Parenting strategies
(adults, not kids, are in charge).

His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place.

Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school
for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student;
but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses;
and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot,
she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge financial settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility;
and his son, Reason.

He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.

If you still remember him, pass this on; if not, join the majority and do nothing.
Oh, I'll be passing that along!

It could be worse!


That isn't worse Rick, just normal reactions nowadays.

Just wait until a 'modern day' workman's batteries run out in his portable screwdriver. The job stops until they are recharged again, because according to his thoughts, there is no other way of doing the job.

That is why the 'mexican wave' was invented at soccer matches, they are passing around the crowd's only brain cell, the one who ends up with it gets to think for a while, until the next wave starts.


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