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    • H
      HMEL replied to the thread Arduino Rotary Table for Dummies.
      I have been helping someone with using a servo like you describe with the mechanics for a different purpose. Numerous problems with...
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      HMEL replied to the thread Late Era Enclosed Steam Engines.
      As a side note if you were the one growing the corn you would shell it and burn the cobs. They were stored in a small shed...
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      HMEL replied to the thread Request - Injector designs.
      You have done some excellent work. It is impressive because its difficult to go from a design to a working model. What is impressive...
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      HMEL replied to the thread Request - Injector designs.
      I have looked at Mr Hansen's design very closely. Its not the injector but the fuel delivery system and how the fuel is controlled by...
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      I once looked very closely at nozzle and droplet size. Specifically for fuels you need a liquid mass of some amount because vapor alone...
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      HMEL replied to the thread High pressure pump.
      Grain is moved by elevator buckets, but on the horizontal moved by screws, they can be a very dangerous system to be around. In waste...
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      HMEL replied to the thread Working out which gear cutter.
      You can change pressure angle of all the gears are made to the same pressure angle. But you cannot mix and match. But if these gears...
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      The reason many companies at least the smaller ones refuse to ship outside the U.S is due to the taxes and fees levied against American...
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      Yes it is old, but most manufactures do extensive coupon tests in various media to develop their charts. Its normally not expensive to...
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      HMEL reacted to Steamchick's post in the thread Experimental Flash Steam and others with Like Like.
      Aha! There is a Twist in this tale (Please excuse the Pun?). As the gas travels around the first "coil of the helix, it loses some...
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      HMEL replied to the thread DIY Tesla Impulse Turbine.
      I read the Wiki Page and found it to be very misleading. All heat engines are compared against the carnot cycle. As the primary tenant...
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      HMEL replied to the thread DIY Tesla Impulse Turbine.
      The technique used is computational fluid dynamics. The trick is putting the paramaters of the equations together , A 3d compliation on...
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      HMEL replied to the thread DIY Tesla Impulse Turbine.
      I like to think of it this way. First you really do not want moisture in the steam or air. But if it is a mixture there will be a mass...
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      HMEL replied to the thread Monotube Flash Boiler Design.
      The graph does not represent what will happen. For instance to calculate the pressure with the base hypothesis of four active cylinders...
    • H
      HMEL replied to the thread DIY Tesla Impulse Turbine.
      The classification of this being a reaction turbine does not fit the definitions of classical turbine design because of how the pressure...
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