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    • H
      HMEL replied to the thread Solenoid diesel injection pumps.
      Very interesting post. I have been researching this subject myself. I believe its possible to mechanically drive the pump but have had...
    • H
      HMEL replied to the thread DIY Tesla Impulse Turbine.
      It is experience based on calculations but a Babcock and Wilcox Steam its Generation and use has detailed chapters on how to calculate...
    • H
      HMEL replied to the thread DIY Tesla Impulse Turbine.
      Do not ignore the fact that wall temperatures subjected to heat transfer can be anywhere from 50 to 70 degrees higher then steam...
    • H
      Soft start systems generally are applied to three phase systems. They are also used with systems that can unload while starting. Not...
    • H
      I agree, good programs can indeed make gcode files. But shops usually have a good quality assurance program to make sure they work they...
    • H
      HMEL replied to the thread Makings of a generator.
      No, in simple terms the higher the Kv the more rpm and the more power the motor has. Has to do with the windings. With a generator you...
    • H
      HMEL replied to the thread The Big Slide Thread.
      There are several older text books that describe how to use a slide rule. It is based on logarithms and so when you move the slides you...
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