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Apr 11, 2023
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Hello I am a college student at Des Moines Area Community College and I have a survey I need to be filled out for my CAD 254 design project in which I am designing my own fan powered by a model engine (attached). One of the requirements for my class is that I need to interview people with knowledge on certain subjects for my design and so I thought I would make and post a survey to these forums with general questions for the users on the forums here.

I've tried posting my google survey to these forums a couple of times but my posts keep getting deleted so instead I'll just upload a post with my questions in bulleted list form and hopefully you can respond in the replies:

  1. How many engines have you made?
  2. How much does it usually cost to make a model engine?
  3. When making engines do you usually prefer machining your own parts or getting purchased parts when applicable?
  4. Have you ever designed a model engine with an integrated electric start motor?
  5. What are some general considerations/tips for someone who is designing their first engine?
That's all my questions so hopefully this post gets accepted.


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Hello !
Welcome to the forum !
---- I deleted your 2 previous posts
Why ? Because your 2 posts are on the moderation waiting list, I have read through your recommendation....But both of your posts have a link to another place and require members to login to answer your questions. I find it too redundant ...and it may affect the information... of the members..And I decided to delete
As a member of the forum I am very comfortable because I come here to learn , ....and have Fun . But as a Mod, I am very principled !.

How many engines have you made?
- I do not remember .
How much does it usually cost to make a model engine?
- Depending on the engine type, its complexity...
When making engines do you usually prefer machining your own parts or getting purchased parts when applicable?
- I usually like to make them all .
Have you ever designed a model engine with an integrated electric start motor?
- I have a lot of ideas...but I haven't done it yet
What are some general considerations/tips for someone who is designing their first engine?
- So many . But first, let's start with the single cylinder engines - there are lots of free plans - and make it run.

That's all my questions so hopefully this post gets accepted.
- And you have been answered and accepted
Last edited:
Hello !
Welcome to the forum !
---- I deleted your 2 previous posts
Why ? Because your 2 posts are on the moderation waiting list, I have read through your recommendation....But both of your posts have a link to another place and require members to login to answer your questions. I find it too redundant ...and it may affect the information... of the members..And I decided to delete
As a member of the forum I am very comfortable because I come here to learn , ....and have Fun . But as a Mod, I am very principled !.
Oh, I understand! thank you for letting me know. I didn't realize that you needed a google account to fill out the survey, I thought that it would just let anyone reply to it. next time I'll probably use a different survey site.
Also thank you for the response!
Hello I am a college student at Des Moines Area Community College and I have a survey I need to be filled out for my CAD 254 design project in which I am designing my own fan powered by a model engine (attached). One of the requirements for my class is that I need to interview people with knowledge on certain subjects for my design and so I thought I would make and post a survey to these forums with general questions for the users on the forums here.

I've tried posting my google survey to these forums a couple of times but my posts keep getting deleted so instead I'll just upload a post with my questions in bulleted list form and hopefully you can respond in the replies:

  1. How many engines have you made?
  2. How much does it usually cost to make a model engine?
  3. When making engines do you usually prefer machining your own parts or getting purchased parts when applicable?
  4. Have you ever designed a model engine with an integrated electric start motor?
  5. What are some general considerations/tips for someone who is designing their first engine?
That's all my questions so hopefully this post gets accepted.

I will assume these are legitimate questions, and give my answers, as follows.
Opinions may vary greatly on these questions, so keep in mind this is just one set of opinions from one person.

1. How many engines have I made. Ans: One complete engine, and many ruined parts while learning to machine.

2. How much does it cost to make a model engine? Ans: A model engine can be made for perhaps $200.00 or less in material, depending on the complexity of the engine. This assumes one either has the machining equipment required, or has access to machine shop equipment.

3. Do I prefer to make my own parts, or purchase parts? Ans: I much prefer to make my own parts and castings, but some times I do purchase pre-machined parts such as small oilers, since these parts can be tiny, and making tiny intricate parts is both time consuming, and often outside of my skill level.

4. I have not designed a model with an integrated electric start motor, but I recall wishing some of my remote control airplane engines had electric start, especially when the engine would stop during mid-flight.

5. My recommendation for someone designing their first engine is to select a design that is simple enough to be relatively easily machined and assembled by someone with a beginner's skill level, and perhaps using less than perfect machine tools.
Choosing a complex engine to build can be very tempting, but can also lead to extreme frustration, and a prolonged and difficult building process.
Taking small steps in the learning process are in my opinion the best way to build up to more complex models over time, and the best way to build up confidence in your skills without being discouraged to the point of not wanting to continue building model engines.

I hope this helps.

Pat J

I need to be filled out for my CAD 254 design project in which I am designing my own fan powered by a model engine (attached). One of the requirements for my class is that I need to interview people with knowledge on certain subjects for my design and so I thought I would make and post a survey to these forums with general questions for the users on the forums here.

If your design is just for your CAD design class purpose then I think it shouldn't be a big deal
But if it's designed to be an engine model and it works, then.. is a completely different story.
With a new design, it needs to be proven by machining and the engine has to run.
Making an engine : is a combination of knowledge , experience to choose materials and material combinations ,..etc ..tolerances and more "FIT" , or simply : know it's ok and good enough for a homemade engine....and patience .
And sometimes there are mistakes and have to know how to repair and fix it

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