Another Christmas Find

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2007
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Today was holiday decorating day here.
While digging out the decorations I found an old toy.
When I bought this house some 20 years ago I found this box jammed it the
rafters of the basement.

It was a 1967 Aurora N Scale train set.
The train cars were all there but the all metal engine was seized up.

A few hours of careful working had it freed up. I touched a couple wires hooked
to a 12 volt power supply to the wheels and it took off. There was no track in that
box so the train was put away and almost forgotten. Many years later the wife
and I were on a yard sale venture and found a whole box of N Scale track for $5
The 40 year old toy stills runs great! Having an inquisitive 5 year old this year I
doubt it will be circling the tree, but it sure was nice to find this old memory again.

Very nice find!

Whoever had that certainly thought it worth taking care of. Then again, things like that didn't come easy (I think they would have been relatively expensive) so they were looked after. Things were different then, you could buy something to be handed down over the years, very unlike the disposable society we live in today.

My wife and I like going to estate auctions. There are some amazing old toys, tools, etc. locked away in peoples attics and basements. Much of that type of thing goes to collectors for much more than I could justify spending; but we do snag the occasional "treasure". Unfortunately, it never comes with a history. Sometimes you wish they could talk. Would be some interesting tales methinks!


What a wonderful find.

I only dreamed of such things when I was a boy.

Best Regards
Nice little engine,Rick.Brought back some memories.
I had a set of the very first N scale trains to be produced,in Germany in the mid60's.It was originally bought by my father.I can't remember the brand,but it was a name never associated with model trains before.It was a little diesel of the type used in forestry operations,with 3 very short cars that were prone to derail,being too light.Now long lost in time.
I had an N-set as a boy. Brings back memories.

Now that I think about it a lot of them seemed to involve cleaning the track and replacing tiny motor brushes. ::)

I'm sure they're still in a box somewhere. I have to go look for them now.
Rick, awesome find!! They certainly don't make stuff like that anymore. :(
For anyone who is not familiar with the N Scale here's a photo to show that.

I HAD to hook it up to see if it would still run.
The pauses in the video are dead spots in the track that was not properly
cleaned before trying it.

The light blue sparks from the wheels and smell of ozone are old friends.
I might clean it up to see how well it can still run. ???

Now I have to get it off the dining room table before the wife gets home. :D


That's my "first" hobby. Model railroading.

We used to call that "flea" scale until "Z" scale came along. Smaller than "N". N is 160:1 and Z is 220:1.

I'm an "HO" person and dabble in "O", On30, that's O scale or 1/4" and the gauge, width between the rails, is 30" or "HO" gauge.

Have started an On30 layout. Bachmann makes some nice On30 equipment.

Of course liking steam engines in these scales turned to live steam of 1 1/2" size or hernia gauge as they like to call them. :D


Well this brings to mind another family Christmas story.
My sister was the first child for my parents. She was born in August.
For her first Christmas, at the age of 4 months, she received a full O Scale
train set.

You see, I get my love of model toys honestly. :D

Thanks Dad!

rake60 said:

Well this brings to mind another family Christmas story.
My sister was the first child for my parents. She was born in August.
For her first Christmas, at the age of 4 months, she received a full O Scale
train set.

You see, I get my love of model toys honestly. :D

Thanks Dad!



What did you get for your first Christmas? A hand me down O gauge train set? LOL :)


I was 7 months old for my very first Christmas.
I don't remember what I got, but I'll bet I chewed it apart to see
how it worked!
i was only 1 month old for my first Christmas but from what my dad tells me on Christmas morning back in 1967 he bundled me up and took me out in the garage to see HIS 2 1/2 h.p. international famous gas engine run (it was his present from my mom)
about 5 years latter he sold the engine (silly bugger) and now that he likes to collect engines he has managed to get 4 of the 2 1/2 h.p. famous engines.
i don't remember that morning but latter in life dad and i have started other engines on some very frosty Christmas mornings.


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