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;D The camel trains pass thru here often enough mate. Biggest part will be gnawing a couple of slices off for you

I don't see any real problem with using Chuck's tapered sleeves on it, just as long as they don't get in the way of the governor weightd. I did think about trying them, but in the end went for plain bores with M4 grub screws - not totally kosher, I know, but quick and easy and not really obtrusive.

I'll try and get a couple of pics tomorrow of how that gov. gear goes together - I have the flyweights and arms, bobbin and yoke made and fitted now, tho' there is still some cosmetic finishing to do on 'em. Seems to work OK but getting the springs just right is going to be a bit of a trick. I made a set yesterday, but they were way too heavy - think I'll have to order some 0.008" or 0.009" piano wire to do them.

Been too hot to do much in the workshop - 'fraid us old blokes can't take it like we useta.
Looking good Pete. These are fun engines to erect, please continue to keep us posted of your progress with pictures. I have one of these started but have since shelved it due to other more pressing needs but anxiously await getting back to it. This thread and others serves to keep me interested as well as a learning platform as to methods others use in their builds. Hope that you survived the cyclone. (OZ can't seem to catch a break this year weather wise)


The engine is coming along nicely, Pete. How long have you been working on it?

I'm with you on the not-much-of-a-machinist! Sometimes I feel like title of "Blacksmith" would be more appropriate. I've gotten better in the past year or so, but I still really struggle with locating holes and such. I use witness marks to put things back together the same way or they'll never fit. And, I depend on my hammer, a lot, to knock things into alignment. :-[

Hi Jim
how far are you along on your kerzel?
I recon its a classic little design that lends easily to little bits of expression.
you are so right about the weather (I don't get many customers when its bad grrr)but at least I'm having a good time ;D.

Hi Chuck
If your a Blacksmith, then you certainly make a great impression,
The pics I saw of the flywheel on your "plumbing parts engine" (I may have got the name wrong) were inspiring.
Here is a couple of pics of my own Blacksmithing

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Durring the bad floods we had here I got a bit bord and had a go at turning the kerzel crank from whatever I had :)

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Boy oh boy, your neighbor up the road is gonna be mighty pissed when he goes out to hook up his trailer and finds his drawbar missing. :big: :big: It appears that lump machines readily.

Hi Jim
Its ok mate,I did not like him much anyway :big:
the towbar machined well but was a little bit work hardened around the threads
At the time I was stuck home and was a bit concerned if my home insurance would cover my Shed !!
I used what I had :)

View attachment road crossing.JPG
Hi KRV3000
Thanks mate but there is still a long road to travel.
as I said i am using what I can find, so I hold my breath somtimes lol
I got a little bit heavy handed with the liner and it got a little hot but turned out well.
i was geven this old piece of I dont know what from a friend and if u look at liner2 u will see what I thought was a cast mark.
After starting to cut I now recon its a flame cut .
all my engines are made of scrap i am Lucky as i don't live fare from an in dustrel a state and i can get bits and peaces from their and where i once worked i have a lode of brass that I'm going to av a bash at melting it dawn to cast sum brass road I'm watching your post with grate intrest regards bob
Hi Bob
having the means to melt down swarf and reuse it
now that is an idea worth something :bow:
Here is a pic of the whatsit i was given and what i did with it
Hi all
well Ive been at it again
Junking parts that is
first off i decided to have go at cutting gears (with a small flycutter and hand ground cutter)
so off i go and make a mandrel and made a blank the right diameter for the crank gear
after mucking about for half the day i realised that my hand sharpened cutter was blunt after only a few teeth.
I think some commercial cutters are in order (it may have worked on brass I recon)
as it was i used a bit of scrap.

View attachment gears1.JPG
After that inglorious start to the day I decided to do something easier :mad:
OK so i had a little bit of cast lying around (actually the center bit from a cast dumbell)
so of I go and chuck it up turn it to size and even put the ring grove in.
now here it all went wrong.
I must have misread the plans cos off I go and mill the piston .500 by 1 inch deep
leaving no room for the gudgeon support in the piston.!! :mad:
I think its time to call it a day today
Hi all
Today I bought myself a vise and a angle plate(the wife is not amused :big:)
I was going to drill the bearing mains with the angle plate and so spent a good amount of time clocking both the plate and vise up.
after getting them right I realised I had no way of fastening the kerzel to the plate,so rather than drilling more holes in the base i just used the vise.
I was able to pick up both for $245 aust, The vise is old stock

View attachment drill bearing.JPG
That's pretty much how I did mine.
I bet you left yourself plenty of room for the next drill tho lol
I will have to reset the head to get a larger drill in
Stub drills are your friend, my friend!
Have not done much but here's a update as of now.
I'm having a problem with my modem and am not able to connect very well
but will have a new one in the next few days
the only way Ive been able to get online was to get a bit nasty with the modem
.you know its a little difficult to get apart
wonder if its still under warranty :big:

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