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Well-Known Member
HMEM Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2008
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I've seen a number of references in topics here about demonstrating these small engines at shows. Can someone tell me what kind of shows these are, and if there are any in the SE USA anytime soon (Cedge?)

John "Bigstandard" states that he sells some of his to support his "habit". I was wondering what sort of market there is for these (not that I plan to make any for sale).

I don't sell any of my engines, I swap them for cash.

The market that I supply is very limited because the engines I make for exchange are for a specific market, and are usually spoken for before they are finished.
On my last batch of six, two vertical and one horizontal were for the same customer. If they do the job and are exchanged for the right amount, customers will come to you. You will then know if you have the right recipe to make a few more.

At shows I have been offered silly money for some of my engines, but I always refuse. The ones I make for shows are different, they are original prototypes and stay in my collection, unless I decide to give them away to friends.

Explain to me the difference between selling and exchanging for cash. ???

Since you don't exchange at shows, then I assume you are just exhibiting for the pleasure of it (or else marketing?) In any case I like the look of the brass double-acting you just posted on another thread.

In any case such shows sound like fun and I would like to attend one.
Hi Kvom, I just thought I would add a little to this thread.... I am afraid I know nothing about shows in the U.S.A. at all as I'm in the U.K. But, I can tell you when you find one close enough to you it is well worth the trip! ;D

I went to my first show earlier this year and found some of the most awe inspiring model engines,boats,planes....etc I have ever seen. I spent hours just walking around taking photo's and drooling :D

I also got the chance to meet 3 of the members of HMEM who were all very nice gents, it would have been good to have had a little longer to chat but we all had our schedules to adhere to (well the others did... I was just wandering around snapping away ;D )

There are usually opportunities to buy a large quantity of tooling too, some cheaper and some just quicker than by post!

All in all, it was a good day and I am planning to go to a few more before the end of the year ;D

Kvom, happy to hear that you are interested in Model Exhibitions. A good idea of what transpires at these shows is documented on the Internet. Google, NAMES, GEARS, and CABIN FEVER. Impressive as the pictures and the writtings are, they fall significantly short of being there and seeing the workmanship first hand.

I am on the left side of the U.S. so I am not familiar with the on going in the SE USA. Like most activities, one has to associate himself with others that have a similar interest to keep informed. I might suggest that you start your query with some of the special interest groups in your region. A very active group can be found at Florida Association of Model Engineers , Another source would be the advertisements posted in the magazines devoted to model engineering and home shop machining. Don't forget to seek out a local club of home shop machinists.

When you find these announcements, you will note that these shows vary in size. Some attract participants from across the continent. Others are local promotions possibly associated to other themes such as model aeroplanes or model trains. I have seen model engines at car shows and automotive swap meets.

Just responding to your post has me excited in anticipation of the next show in my region, the Western Engine and Model Exhibition,


For tax purposes, you never sell anything you make. 'Nuff said on that subject.

I don't display at the major shows, only at steam fairs, local modelling shows or when asked to put on a display.
The enjoyment of showing people that these little engines actually exist, and explaining how they are made gives satisfaction beyond belief. The kids love them, and if shown how they work and are made, maybe puts a spark into their imagination, that just might make them want to start in this underground hobby of ours.
Unlike the large model engineering shows, I will most probably be the only one displaying small engines, the rest consist of all sorts of model making, from making corn dolls, to massive meccano constructions.

Most of the shows herein the SE USA seem to be small regional affairs, none of which are specifically dedicated to model engines or machinists. I'm not really aware of anything approaching the level of the Cabin Fever, NAMES or other large machinist shows.

Pendleton SC holds a small outdoor show for "engines" of all kinds, but I keep missing the date.

Denton NC. holds one on the week of July 4th wich is dedidcated to hit an miss engines, where you'll find a few models on display.

Dacasville SC will be having a farm show later this fall (date not known) where a few can usually be found.

I'm told that Charlotte NC held a small show last year that possibly had some limited numbers.

In November, a gathering is held at Carthage NC for those who love the large steam or hit and miss traction engines. One can see hundreds of them, all owned by one collector, but he sort of requests that no one bring their own stuff.

Where are you located?

someone mentioned, the

Western Engine and Model Exhibition

This show is this weekend 7/20-7/21/2008 in the Oakland, CA area.

The Bay Area Engine Modelers club, BAEM, is hosting the 2nd Western Engine And Model Exhibition, WEME, sponsored by Model Engine Builder Magazine. This exhibition will take place at the Vallejo Veteran’s Building at 420 Admiral Callaghan Lane, Vallejo California, on Saturday July 19, 2008 from 9 AM to 5 PM, and Sunday July 20 from 9AM to 3PM. BAEM expect to have exhibited all types of model engineering, including model steam engines, model locomotives, model internal combustion engines, stirling engines, tanks, tether cars and model aircraft engines. The suggested donation is $7 for adults over 18 and $10 for families.

As much as I'd like to go, I can't afford the gas (400 miles each way) to get up there from SoCal. A number of folks from my shop club (So. Cal Home Shop Machinists) will be up there.

I'll just drool over the pictures !



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