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    • kvom
      kvom reacted to Richard Carlstedt's post in the thread Mark's Monitor Build with Like Like.
      Mark, I just found your postings and am very impressed with your work and progress- outstanding ! I had a smile on my face when I read...
    • kvom
      kvom replied to the thread The Big Slide Thread.
      I used slide rules all through university in the late '60s. I had a bad habit of losing them periodically, which became expensive. I...
    • kvom
      kvom reacted to mayhugh1's post in the thread 1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po with Like Like.
      After settling on compromise locations for the voltage regulator and ignition modules, the engine and radiator were temporarily removed...
    • kvom
      kvom reacted to mayhugh1's post in the thread 1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po with Like Like.
      In my builds I try to thoroughly test and fit each part as it's machined so final assembly can be assembly and not turn into a lot...
    • kvom
      I have a build thread on this engine. The most challenging parts are the conrods and boring the cylinders, but it is a good runner...
    • kvom
      kvom reacted to mayhugh1's post in the thread 1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po with Like Like.
      I've never been a fan of mounting IC engines over wood boxes, but they're handy for hiding nuisances like big ignition coils. I...
    • kvom
      kvom replied to the thread 2024 Indiana model engine show.
      I attended on Saturday and enjoyed it. I flew to Indianapolis Friday morning and spent a couple of hours at the Indiana State Museum...
      • photo_2024-10-15_05-02-45.jpg
    • kvom
      kvom reacted to dsage's post in the thread 2024 Indiana model engine show with Like Like.
      Hmm. I was there Friday to set up and I went around to all the cars. You just had to make your way through the exhibitor tables to the...
    • kvom
      kvom reacted to mayhugh1's post in the thread 1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po with Like Like.
      Coolant from the water pump enters the block through a pair of passages in the front of the engine and feeds the water jackets...
    • kvom
      kvom replied to the thread 2024 Indiana model engine show.
      Given the limited flight options ATL-IND I changed my plans and will fly to Indianapolis on Friday morning and visit the city before...
    • kvom
      kvom reacted to mayhugh1's post in the thread 1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po with Like Like.
      Before installing the oil pan, a graduated beaker of water was used to measure the volume of the sump at two arbitrary fill heights...
    • kvom
      kvom replied to the thread 2024 Indiana model engine show.
      I have booked flights and hotel for a 1-day visit. but now I think I need to stay over another night.
    • kvom
      kvom reacted to mayhugh1's post in the thread 1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po with Like Like.
      I managed to get twice as many rings than needed from the first blank, and so work was stopped on the second lot. With nearly all the...
    • kvom
      kvom reacted to mayhugh1's post in the thread 1/3 Scale Ford 289 Hi-Po with Like Like.
      Piston Rings: Blank Preparation . . . I've run out of excuses to start working on the piston rings, and so they're now underway. I'm...
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