Running you engines with out a compressor

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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I haven't, as yet, tried this but don't see any problems - I guess in the absence of a compressor You could just as easily run your small engines on the vacuum from your ever hands shop vac.

Applying a vacuum should have the same effect as applying presure - No?

Yes it works, but the engine runs in reverse. Or you can connect vacuum to the exhaust and it runs normally.
... or you can knock up a boiler and run 'em on steam, as God intended.
That is correct gentlemen . My little Claire the see through verion of a McCabe runner is built well enough it will run for short periods on breath power So if i blow into it it runs normal if I inhale it runs in reverse.
Sorry tel my plastic engines would not take the heat. Yeah God intended metal engines right?? Hey it is all about learning and havin' a little fun.
Right you are Tin, but I've never built anything that wouldn't run on vapourised water ;D
I guess there are lots of paths to take with this hobby. One of the first engines I completed was Lucy a simple Oscillator made of Lucite designed by Ed Warren. He wrote for Model-tech magazine. Then I was inspired to build other engines form Corian and Lucite. We model makers can look at a print and understand how an engine works . Many folk in the general population and show lookers have no clue other than the amazing work or the they are cute little engines comments. It is neat to see the light in the attic come one when I show folks the valving in Lucy, Clair, and Seymour.
Right now virtually all of my works in progress engines are metal and would do well on steam I do want to do a boiler at some point as well as get a foundry going.
I have a 20# CO2 tank that I use offroading, and also to run air tools when the compressor is inconvenient. No doubt it would power a model engine just as easily.
There are actually little aircraft engines designed to run on CO2 . a simple poppet valve system.

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