Recently, at the Anson Engine Museum...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Hi folks

For those in the UK (or those thinking of visiting the UK!) I thought it would be nice to bang the drum for our Museum - the Anson, at the back on Poynton to the SW of Stockport which itself lies just SW of Manchester. We are on an old (closed 1930s) colliery site, very near Hazel Grove, home of Mirrlees engines where many of the older volunteers spent their working lives. Some of you will know that Manchester and Salford were home to many, many engine businesses - big ones like Gardner, Crossley, National and many smaller ones like the Bates and Scholes I was learning how to start on Tuesday.

We have a few hundred engines on display and in running order, and a few hundred more in store, some of which run, some of which are still in the 'big rusty lumps' stage. We also show a lot of fairly ancient workshop equipment and engineering memorabilia, some of which was also made in our area, and also ancillaries like dynos, pumps, dynamos etc etc etc etc.

Lately we have been working on our 'large engines' hall. Here are some links to a few videos on youtube of recent-ish developments. One for a big Crossley which used to run a large press in Birmingham - its first run on air - and the first running video of a Mirrlees single which had a catastrophic small-end failure in the college where it once lived, and where we had to knock out a spare liner from a spare engine we were given. Thanks to (we think) Mr Day of Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, parts interchangeability proved to be excellent!

There is more to found on Facebook, which I don't know much about - but I hope this gives you a taste. Come along any Fri and some weekends as advertised on our (hopefully soon to be updated) website.,vid:N1_bkXN7ByM,vid:p0WyJCTJx4A
Fantastic Museum and engines !

I had trouble accessing your link, so here are the y-tube links.

That Crossley flywheel is such a beast.

Magnificent engines to say the least.
Hats off to those who saved them.

Many/most these days have no idea that huge engines like these are what built much of the modern world.
And hats off to those who designed these engines too !

Do you have a website link.
I don't do FB.

Fantastic Museum and engines !

I had trouble accessing your link, so here are the y-tube links.

That Crossley flywheel is such a beast.

Magnificent engines to say the least.
Hats off to those who saved them.

Many/most these days have no idea that huge engines like these are what built much of the modern world.
And hats off to those who designed these engines too !

Do you have a website link.
I don't do FB.

Anson Web Site Anson Engine Museum

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