parts for an old time genny.

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Looking Good Kermit Thm:

Skipped the part where I mount it on my lathe, then crap my pants, and took it straight in to work. The sight of those big Bridgeport knee mills scared all the rust right off them two parts
Rof} Scary stuff doing loop-the-loops in the lathe ;D - Just wish I had access to a rust-scaring machine :'(

Regards, Arnold
Start with me jabbing my hand into spotting drill about 15 seconds after putting it there. Little tiny drop of blood. :D Good omen. I've never had anything fail if I bled on it. :p



Next I put ONE of the metal pieces down on the plate, and try this fixturing thing again. Skip ahead about an hour and we find it centered and ready to meet a tool.



Three handed camera work ;)

Hit the post button for some unknown reason. :p

So, anyway. I made a hole in some metal.



Only missed my mark by .01 inches from the 2 inch edge and dead on between the long edges. Might not get that good a result from a drill press, but I'd have been done with it about 90 minutes sooner.

:D Learning is a Hoot
Thats a decent set up those step blocks though as they can fly on a faceplate setup. But so can just about anything else you clamp to a faceplate ;D

Good For you !

And a karma point for the initiative!

Thanks for the words.

I finished the other end of that one about an hour later and learned a few things I needed to know in this process. Since I don't HAVE to do it this way I will be using the drill press on the other field piece. (Now that I've got a 'jig' for drilling the hole in the proper place) ;D

Hi Kermit,

You'll find it gets a lot easier with practice. It took me a while, but now I don't have any quams slapping something on the faceplate and having at it. I have been meaning to make a faceplate spindle for setting work, but never got the "roundtuit"...

You make a duplicate of your lathe spindle and mount it on a bearing....any will do really, and set it verticle in the bench vice. Then you can mount your part on and spin the faceplate in the horizontal more dropping everything on the lathe can even tram it in...... ::).Im running out of excuses not to build this now.... :p

and oh by the way....

I NEVER poked a nice center hole or got a nice big open fillet of parting tool gash on the back of my hand EVER......REALLY!.... ::)

Just about every other session! get the hint and take the tool out between measuring sessions......takes a few years :big:
Thanks for the pointer sbout a spindle for faceplate work Steamer. I had envisioned something silly like a lazy susan for the faceplate to sit on while worked on it. :D
Progress as of end of last night: Both holes bored and magnets tried for fit.

They stuck. :-X

Left them there and took some pics. ;) ;)



Kermit, who is waiting on an order of 3 magnets to arrive.

(sitting in a chair tapping my foot)

An order of magnets just arrived. Wooooo Whooo!

Now what?,
Kermit said:
An order of magnets just arrived. Wooooo Whooo!

Now what?,

Ok, now you will be able to put the kids art back up on the refrigerator door before the wife notices they are missing :big:

So far, looking good.

My progress - and a pile of raw material, in aluminum and brass flavor.





There is a alot generator parts hiding in those pieces of stock, I hope they aren't too hard to find,
Kermit said:
There is a alot generator parts hiding in those pieces of stock, I hope they aren't too hard to find,

I can't see them but I know you can.

I have to admit to being a bit lost...even after reading the entire thread tonight...but I'm hooked, drat you. Looking forward to more.
added one axle support and bearing to my 'sketch'. I eventually want to have a motor of some sort on the plate the generator will be mounted too. Thats the reason for it being so far to one side of the plate.

If anyone has any suggestions for bearing supports that wouldn't need to much milling work, I'm all ears at this point.


View attachment Magneto 2.pdf

View attachment Magneto 2.pdf
Good progress Kermit :)
I'm pretty sure you'll be coaxing those hidden parts out of the stock in no time ;)

Regards, Arnold
Progress has been slow and intermittant.

First there were delays with "ailments" of various sorts. Mostly related to school starting in a few days I would bet. This progressed to a reminder about "that box you promised to build me". Which I honestly don't remember ever even discussing much less promising, but squirm and twist as hard as I may, I ended up presenting this to my young son who "ails" a few day later.


Shortly thereafter I proceeded to my next tragedy in waiting. Ready for too tap two holes I was. (Sounds even funnier out loud) :D
6-32 was the flavor I had chosen for my stainless steel hardware...Which tap do you suppose was missing from my set when went looking for it? Easy answer!
The one I needed of course.

Almost time for another weeks raw material order, (Garolite tubing and strips) so I had Mr Master throw another tap in the box for me as well.




of a weeks work :-\

I'll try to be more productive, but I'm not getting paid to do this you know :p

Looks great Kermit.

Keep at it your on the right track!

I can't figure this one out. I need some conceptual help/

I want to take these:

and turn them on the lathe so they are 1.5 inches in dia...AND they have to be concentric with the axis of this future axle rod.

so they in turn can form the ends of a 2 inch long cylinder like this one.


I need one end of the cylinder to be removeable after it is machined so I can't permenatly affix them to anything for the turning operation. What method of securing the pieces for turning should I use?

If I use another piece of 1/2 inch rod with threaded ends, could I risk the work not being concentric with the brass rod?


If I understand you correctly, you want to turn the OD's to 1.50" and concentric with the bore?

I would make an arbor for that...


The bolt size is the largest you can fit in comfortably, without interfering with the arbor.

The turning forces will tend to tighten the bolt, but take light cuts and cut the corners off first if you can. That will reduce the amount of interupted cutting you will need to do.



I was just going to suggest how I would go about that, and Steamer beat me to it. It works.... Thm:
