Newbie with a question about one of those sterling thingys

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May 2, 2011
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I am so glad to have found this forum, or rather I am thrilled that Allen Howell recommended that I check ya'll out.
I am a kinetic sculptor with a decent background in mechanics, welding, fabrication and machinework.
I have recently discovered the wonders of Rev. Stirling's hot air engine design.
I have three different designs that I have come up with on my own and am currently working
on building one of them, with the intention on using it to power a future kinetic sculpture.
I thoroughly understand the principles of how the Stirling (and vaccum) engine works but
I do have one question about a specific detail. Using the dimensions from various plans,
that I have been able to study, I have come to understand that generally the ratio of
swept air to power piston displacement is 5:1. Meaning that the volume of air displaced by the displacer
is five times larger than the volume of air displaced by the power piston. Am I on the right track or am I way off base.
I look forward to hearing from and interacting with the obvious mechanically artistic braintrusts which haunt these pages.


Heather Rose
Heather Rose

Welcome to HMEM Heather Rose. Nice to see you working with the Stirling engine. I am sure that any questions you may have, there will be answers and opinions available. As you have the time perhaps you could share some of your projects with us. We look forward to your participation in the forum. :bow: :bow:

Cheers :)


Heather Rose,

Welcome to our forum. wEc1

Looking forward to a sterling Stirling effort ::)

Best Regards

Maryak said:
Если ваша тетушка была яички она будет ваш дядя

Нет, если ваш дядя любит ее как ваша тетя


Thank-ya'll for the warm welcome.​

Tin Falcon,

I will be scouring that posting for all gleanable information.


I am intrigued by the principles and possibilities of the Stirling cycle.
I will do my best to post my progress with my endeavors with such.


Any effort other than such would indubitably be less than sterling.

Heather Rose
Heatherrose said:

Нет, если ваш дядя любит ее как ваша тетя

Может быть,

С наилучшими пожеланиями
You folks computers must have a virus.
There is nothing but jiberish coming out of your keyboards.
The lettes are all backwards.

: )

Google Translate это замечательная вещь.
Получили ли вы в сообщение, которое я послал Вам?
Yes I received your PM and have replied.

I'm not sure which remarkable thing you are referring to other than this forum ;)

Best Regards

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