Frustrated ? Discouraged ? what a difference a day makes !

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2020
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Yesterday I needed a counterbore for a socket-head-cap-screw,
so decided to make a "D-bit" for this size that I didn't have on hand,
selected some O-1 rod for it,
and then thought, this is steel, I'm using it on aluminum, probably doesn't need heat treatment
Ooops !!!, that didn't work as expected !!!,

its a day later, and I'm over the discouragement, and ready to properly heat treat the tool and re-grind it

and the part I was counter boring, I need 5, started with enough bar stock for 6,
because, you know !!!, and only botch-counterbored the first 1,

what a difference a day makes !!!
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I have a collection of square ground twist drills.

As an apprentice, the first time I had to counterbore a largish hole for which we had no cutter, my artisan gave me a drill and told me to pre-drill all the holes - then to grind the drill square and follow up to counterbore depth and then re-sharpen the bit back to standard.

Seemed to me a lot of effort - so I have always kept all suitable broken or worn down stubbys which I keep for just this.

Sometimes I grind an existing drill and simply replace the drill.

The trick is to predrill the counterbore to just beyond depth (that will leave a small chamfer on the inside edge).


Preferably do it all without changing the position, swop drills and engage square ground drill into the prior drilled hole before starting the spindle - otherwise it might snag and wander. You only want to remove the prior drill point.

Similarly you can't start a square ground drill on a flat surface.

Regards, Ken I
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How does a square drill look? Similar to a 2 flute endmill? Possibly does not matter how the "middle" looks, when pre drilled.
Trying to make one now!

I am shocked :) this thing works even without predrill, just like that. (yes just by coincidence, just 3 holes, than it began to wander about).

6 mm drill with a flat tip. Now I have my first flat bottom drill.
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They are usually started with the same size regular drill bit. Now and then We win one.;)
Yes, but my picky friend already complained. He needs one that drills the through hole and the flat at the same time. Possibly even the champfer.
I had to pass on this one for now. :) I guess the experienced Quorn Wizzards can do!
My father re-ground a drill - 3/8* I think? - to 1/4" for about an inch, with a flat for the larger countersink, just leaving a small corner radius. I never worked out what it was for, but I have since bought proprietary similar multi - diameter drills for pre-drilling holes for wood screws, with clearance and countersink parts. The first point of contact though is always a point or very narrow flat with 120-ish degree tapers.
My father re-ground a drill - 3/8* I think? - to 1/4" for about an inch, with a flat for the larger countersink, just leaving a small corner radius. I never worked out what it was for, but I have since bought proprietary similar multi - diameter drills for pre-drilling holes for wood screws, with clearance and countersink parts. The first point of contact though is always a point or very narrow flat with 120-ish degree tapers.
Kind of like these?
