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Wanted: Flywheel casting

Home Model Engine Machinist Forum

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I would like to introduce myself---Gary Martin of Martin Model & Pattern. I enjoy making model engine, tools and flywheel patterns and castings for the home machinist. We have a booth at the NAMES and Cabin Fever Model Expos most years. I have been an industrial arts teacher in the public schools and for the local community college. I have been an industrial patternmaker for over 30 years.

I just happened to check on this site and noticed the thread about flywheels.
The Flat Rate Priority Mailboxes that the US Postal Service now has allows up to 20 pounds to be shipped overseas at a very reasonable price. For about $45-50 I could ship as many flywheels as you would like in a box 5" x 8" x 11". The small box allows 4 pounds and I can fit a flywheel up to 5" dia and ship for about $15. Check on the PO website and then mine for the sizes and weights. It must be very reasonable when all factors are considered as I have shipped to almost every country in Europe plus Australia, New Zealand, Japan etc. I hope this helps. Email me or call my cell if you need more information. And I hope to have more products out for your enjoyment. BTW, it was nice meeting you at the last show Tim.
Well now, welcome aboard Gary Martin. More folks in your position, that also have the passion and desire in their arts should join in these forums. It's good for business as well as having a lot of fun and staying abreast of what is happening in the real world.

Again, welcome wEc1


Welcome aboard. wEc1

I took a look at your website and your products look nice.

Hi Gary, glad you found the forum. You won't remember me, but I bought 7 or 8 flywheels from you at the GEARS show in Portland a number of years ago. I continue to visit your website from time to time.

I hope you'll check in here from time to time.

I've turned 3 of Gary Martin's flywheels. They are first rate castings in every respect. I want to do the die filer kit some day. Maybe the shaper too.
I've sorted the need for a cast flywheel. I've used a heavy duty castor wheel that I got at Bearfast. It was probably chilled, since it was as hard as a rock!
It was probably chilled, since it was as hard as a rock!
Put it in the oven @ 450 F foer a few our that should take the chill out!!
Seriously thout should temper it and soften it enough to machine.