Tel ............ I know where your Rain's gone

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Not just for Tel ............... here's a typical British Summer Sunday ....... and of course don't forget it was men's final day at Wimbledon ....... ::)

Our 4x4 Club BBQ, held on the first Sunday in July every year ....................


It was sunny for an hour or two before this mind ???

Two years ago it was a glorious afternoon till about 4:00pm .......... then the heavens opened, the 45 minute journey home took 2 hours because of flooded roads, and that was in a capable 4x4. Last year after trying to rearrange it twice it was eventually cancelled ......... all due to heavy rain :wall:

Roll on winter, we'll probably get far better weather ;)

Well, a 4x4 does require mud, doesn't it?
ksouers said:
Well, a 4x4 does require mud, doesn't it?

Good point ............. but we don't feel it's mandatory at the annual BBQ ............ unfortunately we always seem to get it ::)

Strewth mate! We could do with a dose of that here ..... not for meself, you understand, I've seen it before, but the grandkids .....
tel said:
but the grandkids .....

Know what you mean Tel, don't think my youngest granddaughter has lived through a "nice summer" yet :( ........... she's quite well adjusted though 8) carrying a brolly is second nature :-\

You could bet your bottom dollar if you sold all your worldly possessions to send the grandkids here in summer ....... we'd have a heatwave .... ??? .......... all I can suggest is print out several copies of the photo, laminate them ............... then stick them to the walls in the shower ;)

Av' a gud day mate ;D

Hey,Tel,just swim across the ditch.We got plenty of rain here in nz for ya!
We're not greedy,we'll happily let you have some :big:
kvom said:
Our offroad club likes rocks, not mud. I hate cleaning up after wheeling on muddy trails.

Ahhhh ........... utopia 8) .............. sadly in the UK we have little chance, at a local site some of the guys in the Jeep club built a rock climb "RubyTong" .......... due to "local pressure" (ie; The barrister, who has a large "summer" residence just in view of it), it has been shut down by the local authority planning department :wall:

Funny that I've been to that site half a dozen times over the last 12 months and I've never yet seen evidence of occupation in the house in question. Reminds me of the many tales I've heard about city folk who move into the country ....... and then complain about the chickens and church bells ............ beggars the question "who was there first" .......... but sadly that fact seems to be ignored.

Yeah my two year old daughter is a pretty smart kid, but we'll never convence her that water actually comes from the sky . Here it rains from the ground up ever afternoon about 7pm. Thats about all she's seen ;)
It was kinda wet at Silverstone also.. The pavement was a bit slippy.
bentprop said:
Hey,Tel,just swim across the ditch.We got plenty of rain here in nz for ya!
We're not greedy,we'll happily let you have some :big:

Swim across there mate? A mate would be at great risk of gettin' bit by one o' them nasty kiwi birds. At least here we only have taipans and tiger snakes to look out for.

You broke the curse CC - been raining most of the day here ;D
It was kinda wet at Silverstone also.. The pavement was a bit slippy

Lew, I don't suppose beer had anything to do with that?

CC I came to live in Italy for the sun 15 years ago, it just came out a couple of days ago!, it's rained here non stop this year and believe me, when it rains here, it's like going scuba diving!

gilessim said:
Lew, I don't suppose beer had anything to do with that?

No beer but the champaign for the first three places did contribute after the race a bit I suppose. :)
I guess there are no F1 nuts around here . :-(
Lew Hartswick said:
No beer but the champaign for the first three places did contribute after the race a bit I suppose. :)
I guess there are no F1 nuts around here . :-(

I'm not a F1 nut, but I like to watch an occasional race, I haven't followed F1 much since Nikki Lauda crashed and burned. I prefer Le Mans, though I missed it this year. I also like the ALMS races, those diesel Audi's are awesome!
If we get much more rain here i'm going to build a big boat & start collecting animals in pairs. :(
I know where your rain is gone!! It looks like all of it has come to the Netherlands. It rained the last number of days More or less continuesly. And that while I have begun my summerholliday!
Good weather for modelengineering and stay longer in the workshop.
They, the Meteo, expect better weather in about 3 days.
I know how you feel.

Animals in pears eh? (Oh, and you misspelled it). Is that like duck l'orange or lemon chicken?

Nemt - it would be OK in the workshop if it wasn't for the sub-zero temeratures.

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