Tandem Compound Poppet Valve Steam Engine Build, ala Cedge

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Glad your feeling better, and on the right road. Looking forward to the next installment of this little gem!

It is with great consternation that I post this. This thread is being put on hold for the time being. A series of health issues have sort of cascaded on me since early June, taking me out of the shop for safety reasons. None of the issues are life threatening but it does require me to take medication that makes it too dangerous to operate the machines. A fuzzy head and spinning devices are simply incompatible here.

I've got high hopes that things will soon be under control and that I can jump back on the project before cold weather arrives again. Thanks for the wonderful support everyone has shown and please accept my apologies for the unavoidable delay. We'll get her done, but only when it can be fun and safe again.

No apologies necessary. Take care of yourself, first and foremost. The project will still be there when you are ready.

And we'll still be here waiting for the next installment ;D

what he said... take care of yourself first, the rest will come when it's time. And we WILL be waiting ;D

Best regards, Joe


Your health comes first. Take care of yourself and we'll be here when you feel ready.

It's a hobby. There's no schedule. You should be commended for having the good sense to stay away from machinery when you're medically stoned. :)

Take care of yourself. The engine can wait.
Amen to every word of MKLOTZ, Take care of yourself. Larry1
Take care of yourself and when you return we'll be tuning in. Speedy return to good health

yes, take care of yourself Steve, we (and the engine) can wait for you to come back to the shop again
good luck :)

Don't worry Steve, we'll be here when you get back to this fantastic build.
Take it easy and do what the sawbones says. Get well soon!

You just keep in there mate, things do and will get better.

I've been thru what you are going thru for the last six months or so. After the quacks have finished, only time and self confidence to get better will cure your ills, so as soon as you see the light at the end of the tunnel, start to run a bit faster towards it.

New to model engineering and to this site Steve.Disheartened to hear of your health situation but keep the faith.Watching the build here with anticipation.
I have also seen with great appreciation your handiwork elsewhere on your steam gallery site.Especially enthralled by your Victorian elbow engine.
May be improper to ask here but wondered if any plans exist for that particular build???
Don't know of any other venue within which to ask.
Regardless,best to you and take care of yourself,,,,,,ya got a lot of folks rootin' for ya here.
Just a thought,,,but if you were within a hundred miles of Michigan I'd be glad to swing by sometime and turn the crank for ya while you direct from the La-z-Boy!!!!!
Thanks for the kind words. Sadly making drawings is not among my talents. I tend to prescribe to Bogstandard's Crap O' Cad school of design. Scraps of paper with a quick sketch and no real organization. littlemachinmeshop.com did have drawings for a 10 cylinder elbow, but I've not looked recently to see if they still offer it.

I'm back on the beam where health is concerned, but local show schedule has me hopping for the next few weeks. I'm hoping to get back on the project in the near future... if I can get past doing repairs to keep all the damned things running a the shows....LOL. Had to do some minor repair work on 3 today, after this past weekend show.

Shame about the distance... always got an extra bucket of steam on hand for just such visits....(grin)

I hope your health returns swiftly Steve! I love watching your builds.

I recently had to take time out from my shop, though not for health reasons, and I ended up doing a heap of research about this and that, and when I finally did get back in the shop, I was full of ideas and plans and have since been chipping away at them. As a result my lathe has been totally transformed and I've added engraving, spherical cutting and grinding to my capabilities. I'm sure a man such as yourself will find many a productive pursuit whilst out of the shop, but once again, hopefully that is not for too long.
