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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Hi All,

Just came across this site while reading this blog. Very pleased to have found this forum as I think it is just what I have been looking for.

I am relatively new to model making and have only so far turned a few bits and pieces for practice and to fix broken things for friends. Stirling engines have fascinated me for some years and I am in the process of building one (a gamma engine) from a bought kit of barstock parts - it will look pretty plain but providing it works I will be happy.

Even though I have not finished it yet, I am looking for my next project and the models that Jan Ridders makes are in my opinion beautiful. I would love to make some of his engines but I am probably trying to run before I can walk :-[

I would like to build one of his Flame licker engines and eventually an Internal Combustion engine but...

Can anyone suggest which one of Jan's engines I should look at as a first project. Alternatively, would you suggest I look at something different?

I`d perhaps try building a few wobblers from scratch and scrap parts ....

If you want to stick with stirlings then I would take a look at Jan Ridders LTD stirling as posted in the blog. Seems the most "simple". I also like the look of his Egg Cup stirling but I think the parts will be too fiddley for a first build.

Good luck, let us know what you choose.

Welcome to our forum.

I have never built a Flame Licker or Stirling engine but from all reports etc. they can be extremely temperamental and sometimes difficult to get running. Most start out with a simple wobbler engine running on air.

Good luck with whatever engine you decide to build.

Best Regards
Thanks for the welcome :)

mnbylcr2 said:
I`d perhaps try building a few wobblers from scratch and scrap parts ....

Would you be able to recommend a plan for a wobbler that I could follow?
Elmer's #25 from site would be a good practical beginners engine, that one from LMS would also serve as a good starting point.

Welcome to the forum EB. There have been several posts here recently on the Rocker engine and one of the posts has a link to the plans. you might want to take a look at it as well if you haven't already.

Nice thing about the wobbler from Little Machine Shop is that they also have some instructions on how to build it and in the instructions have some basic machining tips that are useful.
If you've never built an engine, I certainly wouldn't recommend starting with a flame licker or an IC engine, or a Stirling engine.

One of Elmer's engines or a wobbler or something like that, well done, will almost certainly give you all the challenge you can handle as a first engine.

But, novices HAVE built complex engines as first projects and succeeded, so it's not impossible.
eskimobob - I would suggest Dave Goodfellows Brassy Babe as your first build as it has an excellent description of how it should all go together:

It was my first build




Or another engine is Elmer #25 which you can get of John-Tom website -


These are my first two engine builds and I wouldn`t change it, they were great projects!

Thanks for all suggestions. I like to look og the Elmer #25 so will start with that. :)

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