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Free HSS Lathe Tool Bits

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2008
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Like the title says. Free to anyone that can use them.

I have 3 pieces of 1/2" bits, all about 3-4 inches long. All have been ground and/or broken off at some point, but there is plenty of usable bit left. Also, 8 or 9 of 1/4" bits. Same deal, they've been used, but still have plenty of life left if you regrind the ends. All are good quality bits; I hate to just toss them out.

I'd prefer not to ship overseas, as I can see that getting way more expensive that it's really worth. With that said, it you can use some lathe bits, send me a PM with your address, and the size you want. One batch (3 large or 8 small) per customer.
If you are coming to cabin fever can you bring a handful of the little ones for me. If not I can send my address via PM.
Wow, that was fast. Sorry, all pieces have been spoken for. Since I got so many requests, I'm going to send out a couple each, instead of the whole batch to one.
well i just got my 3 h.s.s. tool bits in the mail last night, and as the add said "there is plenty of usable bit left".
i can see lot's of uses for these bit's and i thank you for your kindness in sending me these. :bow: :)

merry christmas and all the best in the new year

Got mine!

They are beautiful.

Can't wait to try them out. I have only used the little replaceable carbide tips so far so this will be interesting!

Thanks you Sir

Got my 3 bits in the mail today. My lathe is getting closer and closer to being done and I can see me using these soon.

got mine the other day too and I can already get much better finishes than I could with el cheapo indexible carbide.

thanks again ;D
Glad they went to use and not just scrap.

I also have a bunch of brazed carbide, and I rarely use them. I'll post some of those up after the new year.