A trio of Hit & Misses in one.

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Project of the Month Winner!!!
Project of the Month Winner
Jul 16, 2007
Reaction score
After finishing 'Tiny' I thought a group shot was in order.
In descending order you have the Breisch 'Little Brother. Next is my 2/3 copy of the 'Little Brother' and finally 'Tiny'. I think they make a nice group shot what with the different sizes and colors. I would have put my Associated 'Hired Man' in there but my photo setup isn't big enough to handle all of them.

H and M trio.jpg

H and M trio 1.jpg

H and M trio 2.jpg

H and M trio 3.jpg
Absolutely BEEEutiful George. Great craftsmanship on those and all your other engines. I'm curious, how many engines have you built over the years, and if it is not too painful, how many years to create them.
They look fantastic together George, excellent work and lovely to look at. I am doing the air cooled Briesch at the moment and, like yourself, have just bought a full size one to go with it.

Hi John,
First off, thanks for the comments. Now to try and answer your question.
I have built at least 10 I.C. engines, from simple hit and miss to the 302 V-8 which is probably my most elaborate.
As far a steam goes I have built at least 18 engines, from the simplest wobbler types to my 1" Case traction engine.
Then there are boiler, pumps, fittings and burners that are steam related along with miniature rifles, pistols, cannons and Gatling guns. I have made several accessory pieces for my 1" Case which include a water wagon with working pump, a Case stationary hay baler and a working 1" Russell saw mill.
I have also built models of lathes, governors and who knows what else over the years.
I started building when I got out of the Army and bought my first lathe with a milling attachment. That was around 1969 so I have been at it for 41 years.
And it wasn't the least bit painful. I have enjoyed every hour spent on this wonderful hobby.
Thanks for asking,
Amazing George, so glad you enjoy this hobby so much, and it is obvious that myself and everyone else on this forum, has benefited from from your postings and willingness to part with the knowledge that you have gained over that time span.

George although this is quite late, my wife and I would like to thank you and all others reading here, for your service to our country. THANK YOU