This hobby has turned me into a greeny. :-)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2007
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I purchased a new printer this weekend.
Previously I would of just turfed the old printer in the bin or put it out for curb side collection, but not now.

I will be stripping it down and removing all the SS rods, belt drive and pulleys and any bearings I can get out of it, plus what ever else looks good once I get inside of it.

As a plus because I will of pulled it apart all the plastic parts will be able to go into the recycling bin now.

I wonder how useful the stepper motors in it will be too. ;D
What a resource that old printers are for SS bars.

Last week I checked my supply of ss bars(from four printers) to see what I needed to order to make a grasshopper engine from a casting kit that I bought from Canadian Model and surprised to find that I had all the sizes needed for the project. And that was four different size diameters.

I've use some for my last Elmer's Mine Engine and what a pleasure it was to machine.
Yes I ended up getting 3 different sized bars from it and a nice stepper motor, still trying to scrub all the ink off my hands though from when I touched the plastic under the print head. ::)
That ink is a badge of honour mate, wear it with pride! Welcome to Scroungers International (ink)
And here I thought I was alone in suffering from this affliction of nothing is going anywhere until total disassemble. :big:
Diymania said:
You are not alone, i´ve been doing this for most of my life. Nothing passes me without a total disassembly.

Remind us never to pop in for coffee! :bow:
Are there any useful parts in dvd players?
I have a couple of those lying around waiting for the screwdriver ;D
bentprop said:
Are there any useful parts in dvd players?
I have a couple of those lying around waiting for the screwdriver ;D
Well do an exploratory and tell us what you find ;D
I can't pass a skip (dumpster) without having a rummage, especially if it's on an industrial estate. ;D
Diymania said:
You are not alone, i´ve been doing this for most of my life. Nothing passes me without a total disassembly.

ha ha thats is me i tear everything apart before it goes to the trash.

When tearing apart old printers, appliances or what ever pay close attention to how each part is fastened or held together. Sometimes you can look at it and figure out what needs to be done to help it come apart. If all else fails then sometimes a little help from your friends Mr hammer or Mr screw driver might be required. If so look closely after to see why it did not want to separate. Maybe there was a hidden pin or clip.

Pay attention to this because the next time that you need to take one apart to repair or just salvage parts you will be able to do so without the use of force or anger. Look at it as a learning experience. You were going to throw it in the dumpster anyway so it makes no difference if it is in one piece or two.

Cheers :)


My lady calls it "wombelling" after the "wombles of wimbeldon" i assume ,that was a kids tv programme in the 1970/80 time .Cant say which womble she says i am !!!

I really am terrible for it ,i collect all the old valves from jobs i do at work,with a little inspired thought you can use many things .

I have been known to bring things back from holidays too :big:
chillybilly said:
I have been known to bring things back from holidays too :big:

Well this was my 'Wombling' from my last holiday to the UK.
I had to get another suitcase to bring everything back. :big:

I confess to the same affliction. Every time I open a new carton of orange juice and pull the little plastic seal with the ring out of the opening, I spend a moment reflecting on what it might be used for. (A lot of my life has been wasted)


Captain Jerry said:
Every time I open a new carton of orange juice and pull the little plastic seal with the ring out of the opening, I spend a moment reflecting on what it might be used for.
That little blunt-cone thing? Haha, Same here! I mean... I have no idea what you're talking about. ;D
Are you guys talking about the ring seal that goes into the groove on a cover plate and the diaphragm for a small pump. I am so glad its not just me.

Captain Jerry said:
I confess to the same affliction. Every time I open a new carton of orange juice and pull the little plastic seal with the ring out of the opening, I spend a moment reflecting on what it might be used for. (A lot of my life has been wasted)


I have saved about a dozen of them thinking they will be good for something someday. Glad to see that I am not alone in my thinking.

Cheers :)


Thank you all! I read these last few posts to my wife, for some reason she calls that kind of little part garbage! The horror!

Captain Jerry said:
I confess to the same affliction. Every time I open a new carton of orange juice and pull the little plastic seal with the ring out of the opening, I spend a moment reflecting on what it might be used for. (A lot of my life has been wasted)

I'm the same, I've got a sewing machine and two printers on the bench for disassembly. (curb side junk week ;D).

Machinable Wax that's one use for all that plastic, or to be more precise the plastic that has a number 4 inside the little recycle triangle.

Here's a pdf from the aussie_9x20_owners yahoo group that explains how to mix and make the wax.


View attachment machinablewax.pdf
Silly Newbie question alert....

What do you use machinable wax for?
