Taps and dies and nuts and bolts?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2009
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Hi All,

I need to get some taps and dies of the smaller kind meant for model engineering.
I have the large usual set but they are all too big for what we need.

Something in Canada would be great but if i need to import some that would also not be an issue.
Wish i could use McMaster but they do not ship up here....pity!

Also need to find a supplier of the small nuts and blots that hold our engines together!
I took one of the bolts from an engine to the hardware store and the guy looked at me funny... ;D

Thanks for all the help!!!
My first build is almost starting!!! But i am going to keep it as a surprise!!!!
And for those who saw it might be an Elmer's engine, it is not.
Although that will most likely be the next one!!!

Hi LazyLathe,

I am also in Canada and had an issue finding suppliers for smaller model engineering tools. I found that going to a local Fastenal was good for down to about a 4-40 Socket Head Cap Screw. They do carry smaller sizes but it is all pretty much a special order. I ended up going to LittleMachineShop.com for a good set of small taps. MSC Industrial supplies does have some stuff butI haven't tried to order from them yet.

Hope that this is helpful.
Most of the comercial bolts have heads to big so in the US I use scale head bolts. Mostly I get them from American Moldel Engineering Supply. They have both pipe and bolt taps and dies.

The other option is BA thread and ME thread from the UK. I have a bunch of this also because I have a few Stuart Turner casting sets. This will have to come from the UK there are several Model Engineering Supply firms is you go that route.

Here is a list of micro screw suplyers I maintain on a scale model industrial RR forum. The nut and bolt section is in a members only location. http://www.7-8ths.info/index.php

A source of brass 2-56 to 0000-160 nuts and threaded rod, for those really small jobs. Also taps & dies and very good small nut drivers. Hex sizes for tools and nuts are model hex pattern.

A variety of types of fasteners not a lot of scale model hex available in small sizes. 00-90 & 0-80 taps and dies.

Very small taps and die and info. both UNM which is US metric instrument screws and the old series 0000-160, 000-120, 00-90 etc.

Small 1mm 0.8mm and 0.5mm scale hex bolts, taps nuts and small rivets.

A lot of the same stuff as Scale Hardware but with clevises and carrage bolts. A bunch of other cool maybe usefull stuff for electric locos.
German model engineer site small model hex bolts and very cool brass shapes NO English but they do speak English for phone orders.

Another German model engineer site with small model hex bolts.

UK model engineer site 0BA- 14BA hex bolts and small rivets in steel brass and copper.

Very good selection of 0-80 through 10-32 scale hex head bolts in brass steel and stainless. Also a nice selection of small hex and square stock to make custom bolts.

00-90 and 0-80 scale hex head, cheese head and flat heat in brass with several finishes including black oxide. Good pricing on large orders.

High quality micro taps and optical screws. The slotless 1.2mm and 1.16mm rimless repair screws make very good carrage bolts. The checkout does not work email or call so they can check stock.

Drive screws steel and stainless 00 aqnd 0 screw sizes various lengths to make mini carrage bolts. Or attach small nameplates.


WOW!!! ;D
Thanks for all the help and links!!
Hope they will help others too!

Now i have some homework to do!!!

Thank You for the great Info of suppliers!! I will be spending considerable time dreaming. Ron
Mainer, I fixed that bit thanks. They certantly make the best nut drivers for model work in that I have found for the 00-90 through 2-56 small hex.
My old mentor, Dan Fay, went to visit the company one time to get some 2-56 bolts. J.I. Morris nuts and bolts are of "small pattern" proportions so they look correct on models. While he was there he asked them, how about offering your scale nuts and bolts in larger sizes, at least up to 4-40 or possibly 5-40. The reply was, "We can't. The machines aren't big enough to make anything larger than 2-56."

I think they also told him that although it would be a custom order, if somebody really wanted it they could cut 400 tpi on a 0.006" wire, or something similarly mind-boggling.

Another NOOB question:

Does anyone know of a site that has a comparison of the sizes of the nuts and bolts?
Something with pictures would be very beneficial to me since 4-40 means nothing to me yet.

If i could study the various sizes i think i would feel more comfortable choosing the correct sizes for a scale appearance and not just order a large variety to cover all bases.

Coles power models has a chart on the website of all their scale hardware, diameter, hex size, depth,etc.
Here is a pdf drawing with 00-90 through 12-24 with small hex heads. Some of the thickness of the heads might not be that accurate as it was a cut and paste scale job. It is set to print on a standard 8.5 x 11 sheet.


View attachment SCALE NUTS & BOLTS.pdf