parts for an old time genny.

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Maybe it was just hiding ;D

''''''Im not going in there and you can't make me!...."

Got the plans for Ray HasBrouck's engine number 6 today. Very nice set of drawings and a three page write up on machining steps.

I plan to scale it up to double size, meaning a 2.5 inch flywheel instead of 1.25 inch. Although double size may be to big scale wise for the genny. So it may end up less than double size, as is, its to small to look right driving the generator

Maybe I'll get this done in a few more years... :big:

Kermit, this build is really interesting, and going along well Thm:

Maybe I'll get this done in a few more years...
Or maybe a lot sooner ! ;D

Regards, Arnold
Finally decided on a 150% scale up for the steam engine end of this genny.

I guess I'll have to start another build topic for it, so this one doesn't get any messier than it already is. :big:

I attached an overview of the engine as a pdf.


View attachment HasBrouck #6.pdf
Things are gonna slow down even more than they already are.

Seems the grand-daughter wants a doll house for Christmas, and the wife wants me to build it for her.

Progress on my honey-do:

My progress on the steam engine/ generator build reached the start of the cylinder housing and stopped there.

Cutting the raw material was a long process on the little bandsaw. After 20 minutes of cutting the motor was getting uncomfortably warm so I halted for the evening.

The next day I finished up with another 15 minutes of baby sitting in front of the saw.
The cut part was about 1/8 inch over sized all around, so it needed quite a bit of milling.

The drawing in the background shows dimensions for a 150% scale up but the part as cut is @ 200% the original dimensions. 2" by 2.5" by 4".


And that's the end of the action building engines for a few days.

You picked a great engine

Ray is a friend, and his stuff WORKS!!

You can trust the prints..

Thanks for replying Steamer. I think you are my one and only fan here.

I plan on making three of these #6 engines. One at print size, one at double size, and one at 150% size. By the time I get to the last one I'll be more confident about my machining of the parts.

I'm surprised no one had anything "funny" to say about the doll house. ;)

Hush up you, you had your chance ;D
Another fan here Kermit...and there's many more enjoying this thread. :)

As for the doll house...I've wanted to build one since I was a kid and I still intend to build one.
Following right along
you cant run us all off at once.

As for the doll house, my daughter is about 5 months now and allready acquired about twenty dolls,
time for a place for them to live instead of shacking up in the crib that doesn't get used.


I'm following along Kermit, it's just that the only thing I know about electricity is THAT IT CAN KILL YOU. :big: :big:

I'm watching too, Kermit. Just in lurker mode for this thread, since I know nothing about building 'lectrical stuff.
I tell everyone I'll be going slower on this build and THE VERY NEXT DAY, I make more parts. ;D



Now back to the dollhouse, 8)
".....Now back to the dollhouse,

OOOOh you tease so!.....hows the doll house coming?

I think you should build a 1/2 scale generater for the little engine and light up the doll house......if someone was asking.........hypothetically speaking......hint hint....


The dollhouse is in a million pieces. ANd all of them need to be masked and primed.




Didn't think anyone here wanted to see me work with that 'soft brown stuff'. :D
The paint is still drying on the doll house, so I finished up the brush holder by drilling holes for the springs and one extra hole along the side for the copper wire connections.



My source for springs. Cheapest around @ worldwide megamart. One dozen for 7.95 and no shipping charge. :D


Now, back to the grand-daughters Christmas gift.
Took another break from priming and sanding this morning and went back to work on the brush holder and brushes.

Assembled tools and cleared out a work area.


Fishing copper wire through the holes was a fun diversion. ;D Looks simple till you try it.


Soldered the wire ends to prevent them from splaying, and removed the spade end terminals



I discovered at this point that I needed to extend the hole in the side into an oval shape to allow freer movement of the braided wire. So I reached for the exacto knife.

:eek: I fumbled while picking it up and stupidily grabbed for it. I didn't catch it correctly.


After bleeding on it for a second or two, everything went together easily. :p



The brushes are free to move up and down and the cable feeds in and out of the holes smoothly.

Oh, and one more thing. The kiddie band aid turned out to have a picture of Bob The Builder on it. My wife got a chuckle out of that. :big:

Good going Kermit :bow: - except the knife-in-finger-bit of course :D
Kermit said:
After bleeding on it for a second or two, everything went together easily. :p

So we now know blood can pass as an acceptable lubricant ::) ............. or not perhaps ......... :D

Great thread Kermit, enjoying every word, thanks 8)

Hey ah shouldn't poke your finger with a knife.....its hard on the edge.....


Glad it's not too bad....

UPDATE 10-29-09

Micro Mark MiniMill on sale $579 total w/shipping. It's on its way to my door! th_wav

I will eventually get the larger one, but in the last 3 months We've had something "come-up" every month and had to dip into the mill fund to cover it all, all three months. So instead of starting over trying to save up an additional $1000.00, I just went ahead and emptied the account to purchase the small mill.

The Web discount code is W77,

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