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Hello Folks,I am back on the Holbrook and feeling much better, thanks to all the well wishers, really appreciate your concern!Week two (or rather three days) of work on the Holbrook lathe some bits arrive, and we find signs of tailstock abuse, but as usual it is press on and fix them all!Phil, in bitterly cold East Yorkshire,Tell Greta I want a refund!!
Sorry guys, no video thiis week, awoke with covid on monday morning, much better now, but still not work fit! Hope to get back on Tuesday!
Good news! I have today tested negative for covid, so will go back to the workshop to carry on installing the new heating next Monday! Normal service will be resumed on the following Saturday at 4PM! Feeling a lot better but still got the hangover cold that my brother was suffering from when I caught it off him.......maybe, who really knows!
Thanks for your patience!
A short week, as will be next week, but no less interesting I hope! I attempt a fix on a linear acutator in a rise and fall column for a piece of opticians equipment, and then on to the workshop heating. I find all the plumbing bits I need and build the heat exchanger for the ducted air heating in the workshop!
Phil, in STILL cold and wet East Yorkshire
I too have gone through similar types of illness.
You have a much bigger and varied workshop and I wish I could refurbish lathes like you can.
I am currently making a 1.5 inch to the foot Ransome and Marles Thresher and still have a long way to go.
All the best Graham
Thanks Graham!
I am over the worst but still coughing a bit, though it is getting better! Refurbing lathes is a matter of pulling them to bits, painting them, and then repairing all the broken bits as you put them back together. Lathes and milling machines were made on lathes and milling machines, and every day is a school day!!
Thanks for the reply!!
Hi Folks,
A very short week of one day! due to busy commitments on all other fronts, but next week should be a full one! I finalise the design for the heat exchanger and get it about 3/4 finished. Amazing how these back of the head designs suddenly come together and start to make sense!
Phil, Still wet and cold in East Yorkshire
Hi Folks,A varied week in which the heat exchanger is completer, the fault on the rise and fall column from last week is found, and in order to get the old bench in the Blacksmiths shop removed, I make and fit some metal racks to the wall to store my vast collection of interesting bits of metal! I also Became a Dong farmer (qv) for a couple of hours, and a dog food delivery man, but thats another story!
Phil, In soaking wet and cold East Yorkshire!
Hi Folks,So last week I got the heat exchanger finished, only to find that when I offered it up into position, the fan was going to hit the front door as it opened, so I tore poor old K9 to pieces again and rebuilt it with the fan in line with the body instead of hanging out the bottom, finished it Friday and had a damned good tidy up!
Phil spring rain still in East Yorkshire!
Hi folks, This week I get the heat exchanger up on the ceiling, get the boiler in position and finsh most of the plumbing. On Friday I visit a retired precision engineer of very wide experience to put some more three phase sockets in his workshop, and have a good look around at his collection of machinery and one of the many innovative things he has built! A very interesting week!
Sunny and warm in East Yorkshire? It won't last!!
Hi folks, a mixed week of triumphs and tragedies, but I soldoer on through to the end, and actually achieve a lot, the good news is the plumbing is finished! For the bad news see the end of the video!!
Phil in warm and only occasionally wet East Yorkshire!
Hi folks, This week I finish the new grinder bench and then start the job I am not looking forward to! Seeing if I can repair the leak in the hunter stove. So its out with the plasma cutter, off with its bottom, and dive in! All in all a succesful week!
Phil in wet and COLD again East Yorkshire
Hi folks,
I get the boiler back together, reinstalled, but just get started on the flue and run out of Mig gas, so its on to some other joblets to fill in! Boiler is refilled with no leaks, so the Fernox leak sealer has triumphed once again, other makes are available! A short, mainly wet week!
Phil, June 1st is grey and cold in East Yorkshire!
Hi folks, A very short week of modifying an inherited partly made(?) stand to suit my very heavy gas forge, so thatI can use it anywhere in the shop, as opposed to having to carry it to some level surface and set it up to use! Only got a couple of days in before life overtook me, but much was achieved!
Phil, in occasionally warm and sunny East Yorkshire!
Hi folks, I get the gas forge up on its stand, change the gas burner orientation to make it more compact, and get it running in order to heat and flat bend some strip steel. Then I get the new boiler flue fitted and fit a new thermostat so it will self regulate and shut down if it gets too hot! Looking at the weather I might need it! Time to test it soon!!
Phil, splish splashing through the EastYorkshire monsoon!
Hi folks, I get to the root of my heating problem when I strip the pump down, but only manage one and a bit days at the workshop this week! The bushings on the pump are very worn and the rotor is catching on the stator and the pump locks up. I have an ominous feeling in the back of my mind that thisis why I took this pump out of service in the first place! We find that no matter how many of a thing you have in your pile of junk, you eventually use up the last one!
Phil, deep in the steamy rain forest of East Yorkshire!
Hi folks, A mixed bag this week! I fix the garden tractor after it takes on a tree stump and loses, get started on realigning the colchester lathe (more next week) Do the inevitable tidying up, and have two very productive days of antique repairs ! Enjoy!
Phil, the central heating is on in East Yorkshire!

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