Horizontal Mill Engine From Kit

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I've been good about making sure the machine is off. But it can also give you a false sense of safety. I've dinged myself a few times reaching in and forgetting the cutter was still there. You get a quick reminder that those things are sharp.

It's all about learning enough, quickly enough, before getting hurt too much. Sort of like growing up. It's amazing I survived childhood considering the stupid things I did when I was...more stupid? less smart? Let's say...'less experienced'. ;D

Well if you can't tell...I've taken the evening off...kids and granddaughter are over for an early Thanksgiving.
Too bad about the thumb job, Zee. Everyone gets a nick or half moon thumbnail now and then. We just have to do whatever we can to be safe.

On that subject, I keep these little green things on the back side of my HSS bits;



They are sold as thread or axle protectors at hardware stores like Ace. They come in different sizes and are color coded.
I put these on whatever I think I may bump into. Any little brush up against a sharp thing on my arms or back of my hands, and I have red stuff coming out. The little "nubbies" save a bit of bloodshed in the shop.
Won't help for razor strings of swarf, though...

Enjoy your family time, Zee!

Pliers are so 60s.

Get yourself one of these...


Better yet, make your own. I just took a length of 3/16" stainless rod and forged the end into a hook, made an aluminum handle and hung it in a handy location.

I too am amazed that I survived my childhood. Sometime when I'm drunk I'll tell you about how I learned, by setting the basement wall on fire, that matchhead rockets must be tamped with care. Or, harvesting smokeless powder from WWI rifle cartridges by clamping them in the vise and pulling the bullets out with lockjaw pliers.

Don't forget to tell us how the family gushed over your engines.
Sounds like we have some similar stories Marv. No doubt other members can reminisce along with us. :big:

As for the family...I usually get a "uh huh", "yep", "that's great Carl"...but tonight my oldest came down to the basement and asked...ASKED...what new parts I'd made. It was great. Naturally I thanked her for lying to me. ;D Seriously though...they like the fact I found a hobby.
I dont think my poor long-suffering parents knew 1 tenth of the escapades..... now that I am a poor long-suffering parent I sort of feel a whole lot more empathy for them...

Goes round, comes round.... Karma....mmm....
Artie said:
I dont think my poor long-suffering parents knew 1 tenth of the escapades..... now that I am a poor long-suffering parent I sort of feel a whole lot more empathy for them...

Then know too that your kids are thinking the same. Is this evidence that parents get more stupid over time? I hope my math is wrong.
Not making much progress with the flywheel. Not sure what's wrong. I've tried several cutters and nothing is cutting. Don't want to rush it...so I did something else...

Plexiglass steam chest cover so I can see the valve action. (As Marv says...don't do this if you intend to run steam.)


I milled it just like the brass cover.
Zee, did you machine that plexi glass the usual way, as in brass, or aluminum. Do the edges and holes come out frosty looking?
I can't see the pics to well,l one of the tubes in my computor is going again! :(

Metal Butcher said:
Zee, did you machine that plexi glass the usual way, as in brass, or aluminum. Do the edges and holes come out frosty looking?

To answer that question...I must expose my ignorance. Dare I? Of course I do. Nothing's stopped me before. ;D

I can't say I gave it much thought. I was more intent on not ruining the clear flats and didn't think too much about the edges. I just turned it on and zipped by (somewhat slowly). In the middle of the process I did think about the edges...but only in terms of sanding them to get the exact dimension I wanted.

To be honest...I wouldn't have thought I could get anything other than frosty and would have thought I'd have to sand/polish to clean them up.

Ah...right I didn't answer the question. Frosty? I don't think I'd call it that. More like 'rough'...like you'd get after facing with an end mill or flycutting. (Er..what I'd get...)

Here then is an opportunity to reduce my ignorance (like all my posts). I would welcome any advice or suggestions on milling/turning plexiglass or other clear plastic. I've seen a couple of threads where people have made engines from acrylic.

Thanks MB.
The little cover looks good, Zee. I don't know what to expect from the edges. I can't remember ever cutting plexiglas, so I'm in the same boat.
You kept the part you look through in good condition. That counts for something. That stuff is easy to scar up.

... but won't that coin get in the way of the valve? ;)
I believe a clear edge rather than a frosty edge can be obtained by applying some heat to the edge ( not flame but a high heat from a torch ) and allowing to cool. Try some on a piece of scrap.

A fine sanding (800 grit or finer) and some polish will clean those edges right up. Make sure that you don't make it undersized! Heating that small a part will probably melt it a lot more than you want. It may warp, too.

In order to not have to remake it oversize (to allow for the sanding), bevel the edges towards the outside. Just a few degrees will be enough.
Thanks Dean and JimN.
Thanks also for the tips phil and rleete.
tel? Well thanks for looking. ;D
A very Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
I hope you all have a chance to share with your loved ones.
Be safe and enjoy!
Zee, where have you been, mister?
Missing your stuff, and figured your thread was due for a bump!

Hope to see you at it again soon.

Thanks Jack B.

Dean! Sorry..and thanks for the bump! Went out of town for Thanksgiving to visit family...got home...and almost immediately went out of town again for a short vacation with my wife. I've been trying to keep up with reading but haven't said much. Primarily cause I'm rushed and don't have much time to give my usual thoughtful and insightful replies :big:

Right now I'm in a cafe having my fourth cup of coffee. I figure two more are needed to counter-act last night. Oh to be young again! The cafe has wireless. Wife is on her laptop and I'm on mine. First relaxing bit of time I've had for over a week...and she's packing up...guess it's time to go go go again.

Home! Yay!

Now I have a whole lot of catching up to do. You all have been busy!