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    • C
      Circlip replied to the thread planos motor mills .75.
      Ruben, click on Outerzone link, when you have that page, scroll down to bottom of page and click on "Plan File". This will download a...
    • C
      Circlip replied to the thread planos motor mills .75.
      Mills .75 was a UK commercially produced engine so no plans would be available. Regards Ian.
    • C
      Circlip replied to the thread Dovetail messed up.
      Possibly but Alloy is kinder to milling cutters. Regards Ian.
    • C
      Circlip replied to the thread Dovetail messed up.
      Mechanical Horse has got it right Jonathan. Don't waste money using Steel for infrequently used tooling. Check back in the files of this...
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