Holding a 6-32 bolt for removing threads?

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Oct 1, 2008
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Quick question: I need to turn some threads off of a 1 inch 6-32 bolt. What's the best way to hold in a chuck for turning. I though about making a small threaded cylinder to hold the bolt, but I think that machining forces would unscrew the bolt out of the gripping cylinder.

Any ideas?

Make a threaded split bushing. A good size would be a bushing diameter about 3X the screw diameter (3 * 0.138 = 0.414 : 3/8" aluminum or brass should work well).

Clamp in chuck with split between two chuck jaws.
maybe you can make your threaded griping cyl. short and then but a small jam nut on the end you are turning off.
Thanks a lot. I'll try a simple jam nut for now--- if that doesn't work, I'm sure the split threaded bush will!

Marv's suggestion is the way to go, tho' in the past I have got away with just putting a cut through one flat of a nut, and holding it by that - essentially the same thing. Another way is to drill and tap a small bit of plate, screw the bolt thru with the required amount of cut off protruding, put the whole issue in the vise, gripping by the bolt head, with the 'waste' pointing up, now just run thru with a junior hacksaw, flush with the plate, and give it a couple of strokes with a file to clean it up.

Not every job has to be done in a machine.
Are you parting the bolt off or just turning the threads smooth and keeping it at 1 inch???
I have a small lathe I just chuck a bolt at the edge of the jaws, square it up with a tool blank, then take light cuts (.002 - .005) at slow speed.
I have smoothed and also parted 2-56 screws with no prob, I wouldnt go bigger than maybe a 10-32/24 this way.
Other wise (sorry marv) hacksaw then face.
I'm with TEL on this one, a bit "old fashioned" of a method but very effective.


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