Hi all, from Western Australia

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
I have no machining experience except for 1 high school class long ago, but my lathe is on order (due to arrive today!) and I have dreams of making my own engines.

I really want to start with a flamelicker and then a hit and miss engine as a present for my dad.

I also have a dream of a small (maybe 5/8 bore) I.C. V8 one day, but I doubt I'll ever have the skills required for that.

Love the site so far, and I'm in awe of the works of art that everyone seems to be able to produce. I'm just hoping to learn enough to make a runner for starters.


Welcome to HMEM. You may be short on experience but you sound like you have the desire. We have some members on the board that have build V8's and other multi cylinder engines. When they first started they had the same skills as we all start off with. None. From there we all go as far as we want to go. Dream and then follow that dream. You can do it the same as many others have. If you have any questions along the way just ask as there is always someone around to answer or at least give an opinion.

Cheers :)

Welcome to the forum!!

Love the site so far, and I'm in awe of the works of art that everyone seems to be able to produce. I'm just hoping to learn enough to make a runner for starters.

Like don said we all started as beginners and worked up in skill level.
As appealing as flame lickers and ICs are I would not suggest them as a first engine. build a simple Oscillator or a McCabe runner first. Then after a couple of easy builds do something a little more challenging.
Welcome from another Perth dweller, quite a few on here:)
Welcome Cogsy, sounds like you have plenty of enthusiasm and that's the main thing good luck with your new lathe and all your projects.
Thanks everyone for the words of wisdom and welcome.

My lathe has arrived but I'm resisting the temptation to plug it straight in, I'm going to strip, clean and prepare it first, as per the articles on the 'net.

As appealing as flame lickers and ICs are I would not suggest them as a first
engine. build a simple Oscillator or a McCabe runner first.

I'm certain this is very good advice, but I'm set on building a flame licker first - it's what got me to finally buy a lathe - even if it just ends up an ugly paperweight. When it doesn't work I'll definitely try one of your suggestions.

Welcome from another Perth dweller, quite a few on here

Thanks mate. I thought I'd be all on my lonesome in this part of the world :p, maybe you can suggest good local sources of material?

I better go get started on this lathe now.
Al (Cogsy)
G'Day Cogsy,

I can also assure you that you aren't the only Perth HMEMer. ;)

This site is fantastic, isn't it? (I'm in the same boat as you - new here and to machining too.)

Hi Al,
I'm a Sandgroper too.
I reside in the southern suburbs of Perth, Cannington area.
Your welcome to drop in for a cuppa any time. :thumbup:
Thanks again guys. I'm working on getting my lathe set up right and building up my tool collection, but I'm hoping the chips will be flying real soon.

And thanks Phil - I might just take you up on that once I can hold down a decent modelling conversation :p

G'day Cogsy,

Another Perth member here, Based in Camillo (Westfield) south of the river.

If you need any support in the learning process please ask. I worked as a machinist for years and know some good suppliers for materials and tooling around town. (not to mention some tricks of the trade)

Good luck with the flame licker engine.

Cheers Baz.
Another Perth member here, Based in Camillo (Westfield) south of the river.
I'm just round the corner from you in Armadale!

Thanks for the offer, I'm waiting for a couple of bits and pieces to arrive, but I really need to get hold of some material to make a start and I haven't been able to locate any suppliers of small quantities of brass and aluminium bar.

I figure if I don't make a start, my wife is going to put her foot down and stop me spending money soon :p

Bohler steel in Canningvale will sell brass/aluminium over the counter,
the minimum order is $50 though so it is best to plan ahead.

When I go there I usually stock up with extra material that I may need in the future. They also have a small branch in Welshpool called The Steel Store.
There is also a catalogue available in the shop front.

There is another option for brass, Stanbridges model shop and Discount Hobbies both have a selection.

There are a few guys around that make steam engines and get the material from them, they both are ultra expensive.

Oh yeah Capral Aluminium in Kewdale are very helpful too.
