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    • raveney
      raveney reacted to Paul T's post in the thread Integrated cylinder radial with Like Like.
      Casting as removed from sand
    • raveney
      raveney reacted to jcreasey's post in the thread Stuart Number 9 Engine with Like Like.
      It's especially tricky to do the bearings first as pretty much every feature on the engine is dimensioned from the cylinder flange...
    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
      Flywheel the curved spoke pattern was a special challenge for me. I approached it by using an online flywheel simulation, clipping an...
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    • raveney
      Now that scientists have decided that Nibiru, our sun's twin star, probably doesn't exist, I feel much more secure here in the center of...
    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
      Legs these patterns require digging out the sand to an imaginary split line. I had some practice several weeks ago, but ran out of sand...
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    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
      thank you again for the encouragement! Cylinder This is a large part for my experience in sand casting. It will require my largest...
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    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
      Base The next part cast was the baseplate. I needed to modify my larger flask by adding corners because I didn't have enough greensand...
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    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Straight 6 Cylinder Engine.
      Hi Ray, Pretty hot down here in Florida to be working in the shop that long. Please stay hydrated and keep your salt and potassium...
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    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
      Thank you for the compliments. I am very appreciative of the interesting build logs and innovative ways that people use to create...
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    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
      Thank you for the tips and discussions. When I first started sand casting I used the tin can rammed up with sand as the pouring sprue as...
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    • raveney
      raveney reacted to Jasonb's post in the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings with Like Like.
      You can certainly cast more than one part in a flask at a time. Quite a few commercial foundries will charge by the flask so you may as...
    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
      Thank you Rich, For the previous post: Just so I get it right.....The part on the right was fed directly from the sprue and the part on...
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    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
      All of the wooden patterns are completed and I got a free weekend to start casting! Hot and dry weather here in central Florida. The...
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    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Another Nash 25.
      Congratulations on the completion of this engine and the promising signs of life. I read in an earlier post that you didn't use rings...
    • raveney
      raveney replied to the thread Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings.
      All good ideas and images. I have a plan now. Thank you all very much. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Please expound on the "retracts" and "cement and clamp...
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