Has been discontinued?

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Well-Known Member
Project of the Month Winner
HMEM Supporting Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Tucson, AZ
Its time....members want to know.

Actually I believe it hasn't changed since October last year. Looks like it has been abandoned. It was mentioned in a post by a mod in January or Feb but nothing happened.
To be fair, the members map hasn't worked since before I joined the site. I think it mave have been a third party site/software that disappeared.
Can we get the Sargent At Arms to send a disciplinary note to the Forum Admin. for......"HIGH NEGLECT OF FEATURES"?

I would like to second that. The ship seems to be adrift.

Mark T
Guys, remember, this forum is a commercial site- it has only one purpose, to sell advertising. The content is only important in that it keeps people coming back, to increment the counters and up the ad revenue. For the management this forum is just one of many they run, don't expect them to be very interested in the content we care about.
Thanks Ron. The lack of service to the members by the administration, especially for showcasing in Project of the Month, is getting notable. Probably more so being an international forum of a limited brotherhood..........and the administers haven't said a word on this shortfall yet. Dave.
It seems to me that there is less activity on the forum lately, like it's declining (might be wrong though). Then there's this POTM issue (which has been raised before and bought to the attention of the mods) and the posts by toolznthings saying a previous member has been requesting help with his log-in problem and receiving no response from admin at all. I'm concerned the forum may be 'under-performing' and just left to it's own devices.

Hopefully I'm completely wrong as I'd hate to see the site disappear.

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