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This happened a few weeks ago and I just forgot to tell you about it.


This is my favourite DTI, but a few weeks back I dropped it and the little pear shaped bit off the tip broke off, these are solid carbide and is the first one I have ever broken. No other damage was done.
So I phoned around four or five repairers and stockists, and they all came up with roughly the same answer. Two weeks delivery, £25 minimum order plus tax and delivery, about £30 ($60). I was distraught at having to give up my favourite unit, but the repair cost was just too much.
As a last resort I phoned Verdict direct and they gave me the number of their nearest Verdict agent, about 20 miles away in Stoke on Trent. The call went something like this -
Have you got a tip in for my DTI? - No, but we can have one in two days - How much? - £4:95p (about $10) - How much minimum order charge? - Nothing - How much for carriage? - Where do you live and what company do you work for? - So I told him it was a private address and gave him details - No problems, we will deliver it to you when we go to the local factories, no delivery charge - How do I pay you then? - Just give the cash to the delivery driver and ask for a receipt.
Three days later, knock at the door, give driver cash, got receipt, got the new bit in my hand.

It just goes to show that sometimes it pays to go to the top rather than the middle man, who will rip you off.

John, what is the significance of the tear drop shaped point? I have never seen one like that. But then I have a little DTI, looks similar to yours and it came with a whole collection of tips and I don't know what they do either. ;D
It is funny how sometimes you can get better results by going to the main man. And I know it is better to Email a company rather than sending a post or tele.
Good one john, Don't drop it again or you may not be so lucky next time.


The tip shape, as far as I can figure out from the details supplied by the manufacturer is something to do with the angles that the DTI operates at and this shape gives optimal contact. Now you know as much and as little as I do about it.
But I do think the shape is unique to the Verdict range.

AIUI, the pear shape is meant to cancel out the cosine error that occurs when using the DTI to actually measure displacements. Since I've never considered using a DTI to make absolute measurements, I've never taken the time to verify that.
There you are Mel, Marv has come up with the correct answer.
All I know is that it works really well for what I want it to do.
I also have Starrett and Eclipse DTI's but always seem to go for this one, and have done for about the last twenty odd years. I think maybe it is the swivelling bit on the top, allows much easier set ups in tight places.

Darn Marv, until you came up with that scientific answer, I thought I might need one of cute tear drooped little tips, but you just blew that out of the water. :eek: I guess I don't need one now.
Thanks ;D
BTW, while I was waiting for delivery, and this being my favourite one, I stuck a small glass bead on the end and used that. No use for measuring but ok to centre on the iron. Its still in the DTI box, just in case.
Here in the states if you need parts for you DTI or any other piece of metrology equipment check out Long Island Indicator. Good guy. Repaired my 50+ year old Etalon .000050 Indicating micrometer for me. Turns out the father of the guy that owns the place repaired my mic before a he found his dads makers mark inside the mic. I think his dad did the work on it again.


They also have a nice database on what indicator brands are good and wether you can get parts for them.