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Project of the Month Winner!!!
Project of the Month Winner
Jan 30, 2011
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Having visited this forum on many occasions it is only in the last few days I realised I have been banned! Apparently this was due to my inactivity and I'm pleased to say that Tel has now sorted it all out and 'suggested' I might make an introductory post - so here goes.

My name is Ramon Wilson but most call me Tug - I try not to use that on the ME forum where I have been posting as there are many 'Tug' Wilsons and it get's confusing -there are two of us in my regimental association for a start!

I'm 66 years old and have been modelling since around five years old -first Meccano then model aircraft from eleven and model engineering from 1972. Very varied interests model wise but flying control line aerobatic model aircraft has been my big love. Made the odd power boat and ship model along the way as well as some stationary engines and various tools and bits of kit for the workshop. I enjoy the odd plastic model too.

Around 2000 hit a brick wall as far as machining is concerned and did not touch lathe nor mill for some years. About three years ago a good friend coaxed me into making a diesel engine, the Nova 1, and despite a near lifetime of messing about with small model engines when that fired up and broke into a run it was like that first engine all over again - I was hooked. Since then my interest in machining has been re awakened far beyond my expectations.

As I said I have visited here on many occasions only to marvel at what others have done and are doing. I hope I will be able to share my next projects with you too.

Regards for now - Ramon


Welcome to the forum Ramon. There's a great bunch of people here that like the same things
and most can relate to that big grin when a project comes to life. Just in case no one told you,
We like pictures! Hope to see some of your engines.


Welcome to our forum. wEc1

Best Regards
Glad you are back in the game . Welcome to the forum.
Hi Ramon and welcome back!!!

Good to hear that the flame has been rekindled!!! ;D
Looking forward to seeing some of your work in the near future!!

Welcome Ramon, and thank you! Thm:
Hi Ramon welcone to the site, are you the chap that built the 42" huntsman on Mayhem ?

Welcome, Ramon. Looking forward to pictures of your projects. wEc1

Good to see you made it back here Ramon, I'll leave it to you to post some pics of your engines though I think I may have posted a link to your ED Racers here in the past as an example of how to turn a block of alloy into a thing of beauty.

Hi Guy's Firstly thank you all (and Springbok who sent a pm) for your kind words of welcome, they are most appreciated.

I take note about the request for 'pictures' from Mike (maverick) and others and will endeavour to participate in a worthy fashion. For my sins Peter (HS93) yes I'm afraid it was I. A short foray as a result of rebuilding an HP61 glow motor.

Although as said, I have been here many times before I have been reluctant to post as I was already doing so on the Model Engineer Forum and felt that it might be seen as being a bit overkill. I can see now that was possibly a wrong assessment especially so as this forum is so totally specific to what is now my main interest.

As I also intimated previously I have really enjoyed reading about and seeing the work of others on here and am amazed at the diversity and the skills of members as well as the interest of those less skilled but willing to learn. I am a firm believer that everyday brings an opportunity to learn something new.

To that end then I hope this is the first step on a long and pleasant journey.

My thanks to Jason for pointing this forum out originally and for his help to get me back on line and once again to Tel for not only fixing it but for getting me off my backside and into gear.

Regards to you all - Ramon

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