This is my version of the Stirling 60
I have made a few changes and build notes.
Jeroen has previously posted these for free use in the public domain so I presume he won’t mind me repeating it here.
I fully acknowledge that this is Jeroen Jonkman’s design “Stirling 60” dated 17th October 2012.
I redrew the entire thing as I prefer to have a full set of dimensionally usable drawings in AutoCad. This helps me get my head around the design and plan my way forward as to how I’m going to make the model.
Also if I make any changes or adjust to compensate for errors or size availability issue, I can more easily see what the effect is going to be.
Changes Made:
1) I changed the candle holder to an alcohol / meths burner as I frequently had soot build up from candles.
2) I did not solder the cylinder assembly to the main post (I felt there were quite enough parts soldered together in that assembly and thought it might prove troublesome) so I secured it with M2.5 cap screws.
3) I made the power piston from cast iron and added labyrinth sealing grooves.
4) I changed the candle mounting boss to tapped through so that the securing screw also became the height adjusting screw for the candle holder.
5) I made the displacer shaft bush from cast iron and eliminated the shoulder to support it in the displacer cylinder electing to go for a push fit (it doesn’t need to be terribly tight).
6) I used a Ø2 headed ejector pin for the crankshaft small end pin and secured it with an M2 grubscrew (as opposed to soldering)
7) I used the remains of the Ø2 pin as the displacer shaft. It’s a hardened and precision ground pin – an off the shelf item for plastic toolmaking etc.
8) I made all the conrods as soldered assemblies using tubes rather than machining the whole thing from solid.
9) I made the smaller columns and crank cross-head from 12mm A.F. Hex brass bar – for aesthetic reasons (although it makes the cross head easier to make and solder assemble.)
I have attached the various files. The *.zip file contains the MSword.docx build notes and the *.dxf files.
Here;s a video of it running :-
I "cheated" in that I did this from a "Hot Start" it takes a few seconds to warm up otherwise.
Regards, Ken

I have made a few changes and build notes.
Jeroen has previously posted these for free use in the public domain so I presume he won’t mind me repeating it here.
I fully acknowledge that this is Jeroen Jonkman’s design “Stirling 60” dated 17th October 2012.
I redrew the entire thing as I prefer to have a full set of dimensionally usable drawings in AutoCad. This helps me get my head around the design and plan my way forward as to how I’m going to make the model.
Also if I make any changes or adjust to compensate for errors or size availability issue, I can more easily see what the effect is going to be.
Changes Made:
1) I changed the candle holder to an alcohol / meths burner as I frequently had soot build up from candles.
2) I did not solder the cylinder assembly to the main post (I felt there were quite enough parts soldered together in that assembly and thought it might prove troublesome) so I secured it with M2.5 cap screws.
3) I made the power piston from cast iron and added labyrinth sealing grooves.
4) I changed the candle mounting boss to tapped through so that the securing screw also became the height adjusting screw for the candle holder.
5) I made the displacer shaft bush from cast iron and eliminated the shoulder to support it in the displacer cylinder electing to go for a push fit (it doesn’t need to be terribly tight).
6) I used a Ø2 headed ejector pin for the crankshaft small end pin and secured it with an M2 grubscrew (as opposed to soldering)
7) I used the remains of the Ø2 pin as the displacer shaft. It’s a hardened and precision ground pin – an off the shelf item for plastic toolmaking etc.
8) I made all the conrods as soldered assemblies using tubes rather than machining the whole thing from solid.
9) I made the smaller columns and crank cross-head from 12mm A.F. Hex brass bar – for aesthetic reasons (although it makes the cross head easier to make and solder assemble.)
I have attached the various files. The *.zip file contains the MSword.docx build notes and the *.dxf files.
Here;s a video of it running :-
I "cheated" in that I did this from a "Hot Start" it takes a few seconds to warm up otherwise.
Regards, Ken
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