Caliper repair.

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Tin Falcon

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
Wareagle asked me about the use of a scroll saw in the metal shop. Here is a little part I made to repair the digital calipers. I have a set of grizzly calipers and the little plastic part that holds the thumb wheel broke. I have a couple pair of HF calipers and they work great but I am so used to the feel of the grizzly ones i did not want to set it aside. I used the scroll saw to cut the profile on this aluminum part then finished with file and silicon carbide wet dry paper.

well here is the pic it shows the old part the new part the thumb wheel and a dime for size reference.

Fun little project.
Nice bit of work there Tin.
Made to measure job for scroll saw work.
I use mine very little nowadays, but when I did it was for intricate brass plate cutting.
A very versatile machine.

Thanks TIN, I broke a set of my calipers in the very same place the other day and now if I can find the little thumb wheel there might be hope of repairs!
Mel : so you make an aluminum wheel for it. I think I have a couple of photos of the setup I used if you need /want them . Say the word and I will post.
Thanks for the offer Tin, but I found the wheel and just came in from the shop after building the broken part. Works very well! It was a little different shaped than yours and was very easy to build.
I guess I'm just not in the mind set (Yet) that I can build ALL MOST any thing I want if I just set down and figure it out. After so many years with out any machine tools and not having the benefit of the Internet and forums like this one it’s hard to get in the “I CAN” mode. Your post on the caliper repair helps me get motivated, Thanks

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