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    • I
      ignator replied to the thread Arduino Rotary Table for Dummies.
      This post from Home Made Tools, may be of interest for a Rotab brake; https://www.homemadetools.net/forum/motorized-rotary-table-96858
    • I
      ignator replied to the thread Windows uninstall update.
      You can do separate updates to the virus protection if you do use the one with the OS. I think that's called windows defender or...
      • tinywall special exceptionstab  in the settings.jpg
    • I
      ignator replied to the thread Windows uninstall update.
      I'm a big believer in this program. I use tax programs that I purchase from either Intuit or H&R Block. Both of these will upload all...
    • I
      ignator replied to the thread Windows uninstall update.
      I use a free app, called TinyWall. It's a free fire wall application that will stop all the telemetry that Win10/Win11 sends back to...
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