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    • Bazzer
      Bazzer replied to the thread Metal 3D print.
      No the angle orientation is setup by the company who is doing the work, this angle is according to many factors mostly relating to...
    • Bazzer
      Bazzer replied to the thread Metal 3D print.
      What is on the table (6 parts) is £1200 Timeline is probably 6 to 8 weeks for submission of final design.
    • Bazzer
      Bazzer replied to the thread Metal 3D print.
      We will be running a job at a commercial print house, there is some space on the build plate maybe you could jump in on that space? You...
      • image.png
    • Bazzer
      Bazzer replied to the thread Metal 3D print.
      We did not get any such problems on the NB 40 cases done by DMLS process. We are assured that the material is homogenous and consistent...
      • DSC03128.JPG
      • IMG-20230421-WA0001.jpg
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