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    • navydave
      navydave replied to the thread Bob Shores Hercules.
      Thanks, Chuck. I realize now the same is apparently the case with Hercules as well. Whew.
    • navydave
      navydave replied to the thread Bob Shores Hercules.
      Upon further review, I wonder if a gasket is not used in that location. If anyone knows otherwise, please give a heads up. Thanks...
    • navydave
      navydave replied to the thread Bob Shores Hercules.
      Thanks! I wonder if you added gaskets on final assembly, as it would have to be in two pieces. Also, it seems after adding the gaskets...
    • navydave
      navydave replied to the thread Bob Shores Hercules.
    • navydave
      navydave posted the thread Bob Shores Hercules in Engines.
      Hello, I have begun construction of this engine. I have machined the block and oil pan and bolted them together with gasket. Soon, I...
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