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      melw44 reacted to GreenTwin's post in the thread New to me. with Like Like.
      Sorry to hear about your father. Lots of things to be resoved physically and mentally; at least that was how it was for me. Takes time...
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      melw44 replied to the thread New to me..
      Thank you! He passed last night peacefully in his sleep. I guess my brother and I will be a while dealing with his estate. That is...
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      melw44 replied to the thread New to me..
      Sorry about going incognito for a while. I have been kind busy. My 89 year old dad is in hospice. That has taken priority over the...
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      melw44 replied to the thread New to me..
      LOL I just ordered the magazine on eBay. It looks like you can copy the image there. Thanks! Mel
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      melw44 replied to the thread New to me..
      Well it has been over 100° for the last few days here. That makes it hard to get in the shop. The joys of living in Nevada! I did...
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      melw44 replied to the thread New to me..
      Would have to check the gear. As for the clicking it happens with just the motor. The drive is not connected to the headstock. Thanks
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      melw44 replied to the thread New to me..
      Thanks! I think there is plenty of adjustment in the linkage. Mel
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      melw44 reacted to gartof's post in the thread New to me. with Like Like.
      Nice toy my lathe is a c model (no gearbox) I recently changed the flat drive belt to a automotive serpentine multi groove belt. What a...
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      melw44 replied to the thread New to me..
      Thanks for the info. I was looking at the bolts I bought and had the same thought about useing a die. Did not think about the concrete...
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      melw44 replied to the thread New to me..
      I had a chance to go by Tractor supply today. The broken part is from the flat belt tensioner in the headstock. It must have been...
      • 1000003674.jpg
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      melw44 replied to the thread New to me..
      The chain was used to hoist it off the truck. I have removed it now and the leed screw is fine. Must just be my phone camera. Had a job...
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      melw44 reacted to awake's post in the thread New to me. with Like Like.
      Welcome to the forum, and congrats on the lathe - it's a classic!
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      melw44 replied to the thread New to me..
      I was on the web page and read about that service. You have to go through Grizzly tools for the scan of the info card. There is a charge...
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      melw44 reacted to packrat's post in the thread New to me. with Like Like.
      Very nice, you are lucky to find that one..
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      melw44 reacted to GreenTwin's post in the thread New to me. with Like Like.
      I starting using a Southbend in 1975 that looked a lot like that one. I recall my dad added a foot pedal below, to elevate the motor, so...
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