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  1. L

    Newbie questions on a plan that I don't understand

    Joe, Thank you for that link! It's interesting to see the engine in 3D. Larry
  2. L

    Is this an antique, benchtop, micro, column mill?

    Wayne, You cannot see it in that view, but there is a key to try to keep the head from rotating. There is also a precision clamp -- quarter turn locks it. But, with the moment arms, I question what it would do under load. Bill, Thanks, I'll search under that. From the $25 price, and the...
  3. L

    Is this an antique, benchtop, micro, column mill?

    I went to a tool sale Saturday hoping to find a lathe. I didn't, but I did find what seems to be the bottom of small mill. As is, it stands 10" tall, and the bed is 15" long. I cannot find any indication of who made it, but it's nicely done: It has the feel of commercial piece rather than a...
  4. L

    Inviting comments and suggestions on a change to a published design

    Throw rocks or make suggestions: This is still at the concept level for the block - I've not yet looked at the lower end: I've not gotten far enough to properly size elements, and the steam passages from the...
  5. L

    What size steam and exhaust tubes?

    Dan, Thanks. That makes sense, but I want to chew on it for awhile. GWRider, Thank you for your caution. I sometimes tend to bang into walls. I can understand not increasing the supply without reason if the model has been built by others and works well as designed. But what happens when...
  6. L

    What size steam and exhaust tubes?

    Dan, Thank you for the data from the 7A -- that's a good reference point. Can you clarify why a larger tube would be necessary? (This isn't a challenge: I don't know enough to challenge anyone; certainly not a senior member!) I can understand why the exhaust would need to be larger, but the...
  7. L

    What size steam and exhaust tubes?

    Mainer, That works for me, and it does keep it simple. Thank you. Larry
  8. L

    What size steam and exhaust tubes?

    I'm modifying the design for a two cyl., 1"x1", double acting marine engine. But I don't know how to size the steam and exhaust tubes. I'm guessing that this would depend on the engine's speed, but I don't know what to estimate for that either. Would a single cyl, single acting 1"x1" require...
  9. L

    Newbie questions on a plan that I don't understand

    Kvom, thank you for citing to the Paddleduck engine, and, Student123, thank you for the link. I cannot believe that Bogstandard invested the time and energy to create that document. I found it entertaining and a great introduction into the steps necessary to build a marine engine. And he...
  10. L

    Newbie questions on a plan that I don't understand

    Joe, THat's interesting that Woodson drew both plans that caught my eye. That could be because of my near complete lack of exposure, or it could be that his designs simply strike a note in me. Thanks, Larry
  11. L

    Newbie questions on a plan that I don't understand

    Joe, Thank you for posting that: an engine that got my interest on the lathe that I'm considering buying. The pictures do show that I'd not want to up scale it at all. Did you consider investment casting it rather than sand casting? Very respectfully, Larry
  12. L

    Newbie questions on a plan that I don't understand

    Wow. Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. I'm taking a class on basic repair of mechanical clocks because I'd like to scratch build a weight driven one. From there I got interested in a lathe . . . . . I read Hasluck's "Model Engineer's Handbook" last week but could not find his...
  13. L

    Newbie questions on a plan that I don't understand

    I'm an aging woodworker who's looking for a new hobby that will let me sit and take the weight off my knees. Model machining looks attractive, but I've not yet invested in a lathe. I found an interesting plan for a "Model Marine Engine Requires no Casting" at...