Are any TB's finished?

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Model Engineer
Project of the Month Winner
HMEM Supporting Member
Nov 19, 2008
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Sterling Heights, MI
I have taken charge of a club build that will kick off at our next meeting. After getting this thing going, I have talked to many other clubs and org's and these things never seem to get finished. Of all the builds i know of, I can only think of one finished engine and that is the Seal 15cc project at the Craftsmanship Museum.

Are any of the 3 team builds finished?

Any advise from the build leaders to avoid problems?

I am dedicated to seeing this thing thru and having the running engine ready to display at the NAMES show. Am i dreaming to big?
I know a couple of the TB1 engines got buiilt. I participated in TB2 and have gotten most of the parts, now sitting in a box. To finish it I need to make a couple of parts myself. That will be my next "build". Assembly needs some silver soldering, and now that I learned during the paddleduck engine build I think I can get a runner eventually.

My feeling about the process is that there were too many participants. Since it was all coordinated via the internet, anyone dropping out means missing parts. Since you are doing it as a local club where people can meet face to face, I think you are more likely to be successful.

It might be a good idea to purchase all the materials together up front and divide the costs equally. On the TB2 builds different people had widely different costs depending on their parts. As a newbie I did the brass flywheels; had another member not donated the brass, my material cost would have been around $60-70.

Are you making one engine, or one participant?
There will be only one engine built and will become the property/mascot of the club. It is a 5 cylinder, air powered radial engine.

The cost of the material will be covered by the club, member donation, and i spent about 40 bucks for fittings, bearings, and screws.

I dont have a photo but i have built a 1/3 scale version that i have yet to finish. I have photo's of the slave rods that I made for the build. The holes are 1.500 inches C/C for scale.


I was the co captain of TB 1. To the best of my knowledge all the engine parts were completed and delivered. We were a bit, very late on the initial dead line. I will take the blame on a bulk of the delay . Some was procrastination. Most off the delay was recovering from a power surge that took out the motor control boards of the mini mill and mini lathe.

I think the key here is folks keeping focus and overcoming any obstacles. All team members were supportive of one another and encouraging whether a success or setback.
Insure all members are reasonable comfortable with whatever operations involved in there particular part . growing and being up to a challenge is good but you do not want someone struggling it needs to be fun.
We had 10 folks build 12 engines.
everything is pretty much layed out in the posts on TB1 the only think that was not public is personal information such as addresses.

Well hats off to the MDMC! We managed to get this thing assembled and running. The group has decided on a few upgrades before we call it finished. It should be finished and running at the names show.


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