NAMES 2022

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Jul 16, 2007
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I spoke with Karl Gross at the Zanesville show and he informed me that the NAMES show for 2022 has already been canceled.
Bummer! I was really looking forward to going next year. Karl used to be on the board of directors for the show.

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Seems like they were a bit premature in cancelling 2022?
Perhaps this will encourage some grass-roots shows to start appearing.
This cancelling thing seems to be going on forever.
Time to move on and have some shows again.

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I would imagine it's not NAMES who "want's" to cancel. They are probably more worried that they will do all the prep like printing fliers, do mailings, get badges made, Etc. only to have the venue tell them that they cant have the event or are only allowed to have 200 people at a time in the building. All of those things happen WAY before the day the doors open. Add that to the last 2 years that they were forced to cancel. I would imagine they took a pretty good hit. Im not involved in the organization so this is my personal opinion. Maybe someone that is involved will post.
I tend to think you are correct; there are a lot of mitigating circumstances, such as insurance, liability, etc. that could easily make a show impossible.

That being said, I find it extraordinarily frustrating to keep getting shut out of show after show (not just NAMES either, but all sorts of old engine shows, foundry shows, you name it), and there seems to be no end to it.

Normal people at some point have to continue living normal lives, or as normal as possible.

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Well green this is the way it is going to be for a while. My state is still over 4000 cases a day and about 40 a day dying. Until people get vaccinated or everyone has gotten it and those who live, live and those who die, die, this is where we are at. If you want to have a show you will need permits and insurance. What if insurance is 40,000 for the day because the insurance company is afraid you get sued for all the covid cases that happen as a result of the show? Chances are it's cancelled. It's a lot more complicated than "cancelled because of covid". It's not like everyone wants to cancel. It's are you willing to risk proceeding and losing everything if "forced" to cancel. Keep doing that and there wont be any money in the pot for future shows when the chances of cancellation are greatly reduced.
Yes, I understand.
I understood better when it was just a 2 week shudown to let things peak, then it turned into a year, then two years, then how many years?
How many years do we shut down our lives and businesses for something with the same mortality rate as the seasonal flu?

I think a waiver form is what will be needed for a new show.
It is a matter of those who have had it already (COVID), and those not afraid of it, then there will be a new show for them to attend.
Anyone with concerns will obviously not be attending shows for may years to come.
COVID will never go away; lets understand that, and I am sure some will never get out to shows again.
I can't change the understandable concerns/fear that some have, but fear will not dictate my life.

Attend at your own risk is how it should be.
I will start my own show.
No alternatives really.
As they say in showbusiness "The Show Must Go On !!! ".

Yes, I understand.
I understood better when it was just a 2 week shudown to let things peak, then it turned into a year, then two years, then how many years?
How many years do we shut down our lives and businesses for something with the same mortality rate as the seasonal flu?

I think a waiver form is what will be needed for a new show.

Attend at your own risk is how it should be.
I will start my own show.
No alternatives really.
As they say in showbusiness "The Show Must Go On !!! ".

Sadly we live in a litigious society. A waiver often isn't worth the ink it's printed with. It may be that it isn't 400 pages long and some word or phrase can be picked apart by a lawyer, or that in many states waivers are not considered binding. When a reasonable person was a person who could read, write, think, and speak at an 8th grade level, the "what would a reasonable person think/do" test worked out OK usually.

Now the lawyers or "socially conscious" judges seem to define "reasonable person" as a deaf mute blind mentally retarded physically handicapped individual with a mental age of one who has to be protected from evil manipulative people. Evil manipulative people being anyone that might have money, assets, or insurance...

Maybe I'll see if I can sell Proud Evil Manipulative Person shirts on etsy. Heck I'm already a meat eating straight white male who doesn't hate guns, how else can I tick off the inclusiveness folks who exclude and hate my entire group of humans?

Sorry if I'm a bit grumpy, got a (fortunately) light dose of shingles and it's making me a tad displeased with the world!

... for something with the same mortality rate as the seasonal flu?
This is absolutely untrue.

Further, it is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The solution is simple, obvious and within grasp but for a stubborn segment of the population. My patience with them is wearing thin. They are the ones now driving the remaining restrictions.

Apologies for what might be viewed as political opinion but is really just simple fact.
So far, there is no mention of NAMES 2022 being canceled on their website.
Perhaps they will reconsider.
It would be a shame to lose the show 3 years in a row.
I can feel myself aging.

Its not like anyone is forcing anyone else to attend the show.
Let the folks who want to take the risk attend the show.

I do believe it is a liability problem as others have mentioned.
Can't fight City hall.
I can start my own show though, so hopefully I will be able to get that set up next year, if the stars and planets align correctly.
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Heck I'm already a meat eating straight white male who doesn't hate guns, how else can I tick off the inclusiveness folks who exclude and hate my entire group of humans?
You sound like my kind of person.
I run with scissors, but don't tell anybody.
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They need to bring it to Idaho.
No boiler codes as an added bonus (don't be silly), and your 18 year old is welcome to carry if you're out of state (don't be silly, again).
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I emailed the NAMES folks, and the 2022 show has definitely been cancelled.

I was contemplating creating a show until my wife recently got rather seriously ill, so no chance of starting a new show at this point.
If I had a show, I would be pouring gray iron engine parts outside in the parking lot, as well as having a display inside.
I could put on a serious show for sure.

Life comes at you fast, as they say.
Don't take good health for granted.

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Reactions: Zeb is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated. .................... They are the ones now driving the remaining restrictions.

Ah contraire my friend , it is driven by the politicians .
And for the science based mind, why is natural immunity never discussed ? ..Hello ?
Ah contraire my friend , it is driven by the politicians .
And for the science based mind, why is natural immunity never discussed ? ..Hello ?
Just to be clear, if you ascribe to such views, we're not going to be friends.

Pushing the 'natural immunity' idea means supporting killing vulnerable populations. And likely leads to overloading the medical system so that people that could be saved die in a hallway, instead. Go back and check how Sweden and Great Britain got along when they pursued this concept.

So, Mother nature is "Pushing " natural immunity--not me
Don't you have a curiosity on why Vacinated people get the virus ?
I have a science based mind and find it interesting that "science" is denied by those who profess it ?
Sample#1 N95 masks, (the best) have a 5 micron porosity and the virus protein is 1micron is size-hello ?
#2- In all other pandemics (history) all sorts of solutions were entertained --except now , "Only one" solution is acceptable- Hello?
#3 Have you looked at India ? -larger than the UK and Sweden -dense pop and only 1/8 of UK deaths- Why ?
These are some things to look at , and study, and ask...scientifically, not politically !
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