Here is the first engine run of LBSC's fire engine from December 1954 Model Engineer that I am building:
It was a Christmas special which it has become apparent that he never built but I suspect he drew it up at the last minute to meet a deadline , it seems to be a simplified version of his Stanleyette steam car. One major fault I found is that the run- pump lever clashes with the steering column and I had to move the lever from inside the frame to outside it but it should be easier to operate there. Also the port blocks are only shown with one screw attaching them causing them to rock, I had to solder the blocks to the bracket to fix, the top of the bracket needs to be higher to accommodate an extra screw or two.
Here is the first engine run of LBSC's fire engine from December 1954 Model Engineer that I am building:
It was a Christmas special which it has become apparent that he never built but I suspect he drew it up at the last minute to meet a deadline , it seems to be a simplified version of his Stanleyette steam car. One major fault I found is that the run- pump lever clashes with the steering column and I had to move the lever from inside the frame to outside it but it should be easier to operate there. Also the port blocks are only shown with one screw attaching them causing them to rock, I had to solder the blocks to the bracket to fix, the top of the bracket needs to be higher to accommodate an extra screw or two.