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Tin Falcon

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
Home Model Engine Machinist
Dedicated to the hobbyist machinist building model engines .

Welcome to the board. Rick has done a fantastic job of getting things started. Let’s all do our part to keep the ball rolling and have this site grow. We do not want to make a lot of rules. The members of this board have been exemplary! Keep up the good work.

As the membership approaches 200 we would like to lay out the following


1) Get involved and have fun!

2) Make suggestions we all can learn from others we all have a different perspective, experience and education.

3) Have a question or problem? Ask! There’s no such thing as a dumb question.

4) Show us some of your work we all need inspiration.

5) Lets keep reasonably focused here use the break room for general discussions. Lets remember the first focus here is model engines.

6) Be SAFE! If your head doubts the safety of a set up or procedure,

ask for suggestions. If the suggestions still don’t feel right


7) If you have a tried and true setup that is helpful to the rest of us tell us about it and show us a photo.

8) we are all here to learn and share.

9) please put a general location in your profile so we know what part of the world and country state,province you are from. If it a large state like California , Texas, or Alaska, etc reference to the nearest large city would be good. Please place with avatar or in the signature line so it is handy.

Addendum :
Well the membership is over 2600 at this point and the board has grown there are a few things to add.

There are several Notices and sticky threads in various sub-fora please take time to read them. These include but are not limited to :
"Copyright notice"in the plans area
"Safety Rules " in the safety section
"Notice" in the about HMEM area.

Please confine O/T posts to the break room

Please try to place posts in the most appropriate sub fora.

We encourage all new members to post a introduction thread in the welcome area. That way when you ask a question , answer a question or give advice we have some idea of who you are and your perspective.


Tin & The HMEM Team
Hello all, what a wonderful group, you all are good, I mean great, let me tell you some about me, call my self Lath Nut, well that is what my wife called me first, a few years ago, went to a machine shop go get an axle turned down for my kids home made ride that I was making, he gave me such a hard time, I decided that I was going to find a late and make it my self, well that lathe needed parts so I found a second lathe to make parts for the first one, well in the hunt I had run across other things, so with seven lathe, three shapers, a lot of drill presses, and to much other to mention, have just been playing with them and simple things, I really want now that I can do better work to make some small engines, start simple and then some day try the hit and miss, can see here there is a lot of knowledge here, glad to be here, hope to learn and not afraid to ask, looking forward to having fun and sharing in learning and mistakes, I have a full time job, so this is after hours if I am not wore out, thanks again for letting me in, Lathe Nut
Welcome, Lathe Nut.

Check out the plans area, there is a lot of ideas as to what you may want to build.


1KENNY, I have done looking and some printing, about out of ink, they got some stuff on this group, I especially like the ones that show the pic's of how they machine some of the parts, some time still not sure how to hold the parts to machine them, but going to get there, thanks for the invite, Lathe Nut
New here also.I have been looking all of it over and can say I like it.I see a few posters that are on other boards.This looks to be a friendly place to hang out.Talk to ya latter.
Hello from the Old country, sorry John bogstandard, had to join in here to keep you on your toes teaching the colonials how to do it properly ::) ;D To everyone else over in the land of the free, Hi, How are yawl? Known on a couple of sites for my sometimes acidic sense of humour (you've got to have one living in Britain) Will elaborate my background as and when posting replies, stop grimacing John!
Best regards to everyone for the coming new year if I don't have to jump on before it happens. Ian
Welcome Circlip, we call 'em Jesus clips over here. ;) You know, you're installing that odd-sized circlip that isn't available anywhere and just before you slide it over the shaft it goes BING! and disappears into the unknown. That's when you yell JAY-SUS H. KEE-RIST!

More seriously, speaking of the Bogster, anybody heard from him lately? Is he okay?

ps: I make my living in a British auto dealer service department here in the states so yes, I have to have a sense of humor (humour) as well!:)
Cheers DICKEYBIRD, nomme de plume comes from my time as an apprentice (underpaid slave in engineering) from leaving school. worked for a company over here that was taken over by the TRUARC Co. from over there. Started in toolroom, promoted to drawing office and the rest is history.
Seen Bogstandard logged into site over here but haven't linked.
Good to see your full time employer is teaching you to spell English like what she should be spoke ::) ;D
Hello to everyone ;D
Another total newbie here! seems like the Brit's are coming! :p
I was directed to the site by the 'Super talented' Bogstandard from one of his 'tube' demo's and glad I am of it too!
I have been trying to get my head around building steam and stirling engines but am still struggling to master the accuracy required.
I have viewed the site for a number of hours as a guest and have come to find myself enthralled in the tips (still building my little shop up... only started a year ago :) ) and work in progress sections... especially the turbine build (how good is that?!)
I hope to build some engines of near the quality I have viewed here or at least have a damn fun time trying ;D

Thank you for the help with all my odd Questions in advance!! :-[ :D
Divided he ad. (aka Ralph)
Hi Ralph. Glad you decided to join the forum.

Thank you,Chuck and Rick, I think I saw your elbow on the 'tube' Rick? Love to see them run! looks imposssible!

I'm off out to my shop now to continue work on my new treadle engine... trying to figure out the crank length?! I'm sure there is some super mathematical formula? But I don't know it so I'm going to learn buy trial an error then back figure how and why it works... Sounds a bit Heath Robinson I suppose but it's my 'have to build it to understand it' way of thinking!


Good for you to get your feet wet Ralph, who knows, we may eventually be able to get these damned colonials to speak propper English :big: :big: although spellcheck is something else ::). Seriously though everyone on THIS forum seems quite chilled, even to us Brits. I'm sure everyone will agree, that we all had to make small steps in the beginning and NO ONE ever stops learning, and them that doesn't make mistakes doesn't do nowt. Best regards and welcome Ian.

Sorry, this goes to you too Matt, you underposted while I was typing sloooooowly.
Hi, This site looks like it should fit well with my hobbies. The biggest problem seems to to be trying to figure out how to get around the site.
I tried to give a profile and location, but couldn't figure out how to do it. It took a lot of searching to even find out how to post this message. If anyone would offer a few pointers on the use of this site I sure would appreciate it. Thanks, John from Lineboro, MD USA
Looks like this will be a fun place to check out... I'm another newbie.
I "work" as a Machinist at a local refractory metals plant... I think I've Loved machining since I stepped onto a machine shop lab floor back in 1980. But I didn't find my way into the trade until 1993(?!!!!!???). The beauty of this is that I know I've got it pretty good... I take their money running a couple of Blanchard Grinders,
Sometimes other things.
I think this thing with Live Steam is the same kind of thing.... The itch is there, You don't know what causes it, but it's gonna drive you foolish if you don't scratch it.... I'm fortunate in that I 've got the run of the shop so I have access to all the equipment. I just want to start with something simple and work from there.