Rudy Kouhoupt Copperhead Steam Roller

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Hi, All,

I'm kinda new to this site, but I have a real interest in model engineering and have built a Rudy beam engine and restored a Rudy Case traction engine wannabe. What I'd like to do now is build a Rudy "Copperhead" steam roller, but I can't find the plans anywhere.

Can someone direct me to a source for these plans?


Copperhead Roller 1.jpg
Good question. It is my understanding Village Press the publisher of home shop machinist as well as a couple other metal working magazines owners the copy rights for most if not all of Rudy,s plans. so you may need to inquire with them or on the Home SHop machinist forum.

You may also want to contact the folks there also collaborated with Rudy on his videos. They may be able to provide plans or at least tell you who can.

And please post an introduction in the welcome area.
Go to Live Steam in the Metalworking, on the second page of books about half way
Down on the right $24.95
Thanks, Tin Falcon and walltoddj, for the information. I was told that the Village Press published this, but I'd neer been able to find it....
Thanks, Tin Falcon and walltoddj, for the information. I was told that the Village Press published this, but I'd neer been able to find it....

Sorry my mistake I so use to goggle it and go it's If you have a problem try to call Questions? Call 1-800-447-7367 or 231-946-3712 they are great to deal with. Yes it kind of a pain to find them because I keep getting a different site.

Bumping this one up.

Still looking for the plans. Even contacted the Craftsmanship Museum in California, who have a lot of Rudy's stuff. No luck there, either.

Again, has anyone run across the plans for this?
I understand you are looking for the Coffeepot road roller of Rudy Kouhoupt design. I can not help with locating that drawing set, but does it have to be that particular model? There is a set of plans for a road roller that looks very similar to Rudy's model and could be modified easily to appear like his in case you are merely wanting a road rollerer project.

Thanks for your reply, Jim.

I am, however, looking for the Copperhead roller specifically, as the Kouhoupt design appeals to me.

If you ever do run across it (and no, Village Press does not have it) please let me know.
I was a good friend of Rudy and that steam roller sat on his coffee table, while most of his model engines were in a cupboard .
He was very proud of it and it was inspired by a full size roller he found near his home in Bridgewater NJ.
I don't recall any conversation about plans for it , but Rudy was a recorder of information, so they may exist somewhere. Have you done any searches in early Live Steam or Modeltec magazines ?
Thanks, Rich.

I've looked all over on the Internet and even the Craftsmanship Museum in
California was unable to help. I will check Live Steam and Modeltec, though.

I don't know if the plans for this we're ever made public, but I would certainly like to find them. I have made Rudy's beam engine, and have found and refurbished a Rudy traction engine, so a Copperhead roller would be important to me.

If anyone else who reads this can help, I'd appreciate it.
Wow, KellisRJ! It came right back to me.

Help, help, help! This must be one of the most elusive plans I've ever heard of!
Wow, KellisRJ! It came right back to me.

Help, help, help! This must be one of the most elusive plans I've ever heard of!
No, my bad, this was a silly loop right back here. I popped into the middle and didn't realize this thread had started in 2014. See flat forehead. Given the lack of plans and the prominent place it had in his home, I suspect he did it as a personal project and any plans were in his personal papers.

Just happened to revisit this thread, missed it after all this time .
Rudy's daughter or niece gave most all his stuff to the Craftsmanship Museum as far as I know
it's possible that someone in the New Jersey Live Steamers may know, but i don't know any of those fellows.
I was able to find the Modeltec Index and nothing .
Then I remembered that Rudy did all his stuff in Live Steam and Village Press publications
, but have no index to those magazines, which started about 1968 or so ??
Thanks, Rich, but I have long since checked with both the Craftsmanship Museum and the Village Press. No one seems to know much about this, though the Craftsmanship Museum has one of these rollers in its collection.

I'd love to build one of these, but no one at all seems to have a line on the plans.
Too bad they are lost or whatever. Rudy and I talked about so many things, and I never thought about his drawings and their preservation. Rudy lived in a very small house and did all his drawings on a small ( 30" x 48" ?) table in the kitchen. I don't recall seeing where he stored them . I do know he worked closely with Joe Rice on his drawings as he would mention Joe , but I never had the pleasure of meeting Mr Rice who was then an editor for Village Press during the 1990's.
I mentioned the NJLS link earlier because Rudy had a good friend there, who may know more details, but I do not remember his name .
I'll try and see if i have something in my history files