Polish 4 Stroke

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Who's going to step up and make this engine as a model?



Firstly, I would like to deny false information on the work of my engine. Both prototypes are working. The first one is demolished. Second prototype on which I worked a total of about 1000 days, the employed that is ready to demonstrate its power supply and a 250 km at 10 000 rpm, with 600ccm basic capacity ...
A good mechanic at work such as the replacement head gasket, not, for example, in Lotus takes £ 1,000 for the work. Doing it in one day ... I did the second prototype of the 1000 days, starting in 1981. But despite the 2.5 times more power he got, the prototype is ready to continue the demonstration. So I do not understand that I have to prove something. Because everything is proved. As you can not afford to show, it's will not know ..
I think that in the first post in this thread, I will happily offered to make a model of such an engine ... Although two years have passed I have not heard, to get someone praised model ...
Defence employees, with such a responsible job in the nuclear power plant is not in place. You need to hire professional and responsible people. About this knowledge and, therefore, some physicists are opposed to the construction of nuclear power plants.
One of these physicists of imagination has just elegantly explain why my engine is more efficient than traditional physically. However, some physicists do not like it, because I said before, the four-stroke engine designs already can only improve 1 - 2% in terms of efficiency. And I do not know how to pull all of this thesis ...

Daniel , CH physicist elegant describe efficiency:

------------------- Mass - RPM - inertial forces----intake cm^3--- intake/inertia
1 main piston --- 2 ------ 2 ---- 2 * 2^2 =8 ------- 600 ------ 75
2 valve pistons - 2*1 ---- 1 --- 2 * 1 * 1^2= 2 --- 360 ----- 180

===> intake / inertia is better for valve piston than main piston.
Of course in sensible borders .

I am in swoichpostach showed that not all nuclear physicists are guided by reason. Such things come out in dicey situations .. I described it in your post # 69 and 70.

It's about this new way of "cooling the reactor":


But he and others're trying to improve the efficiency of its windmill, however, take advantage of them .. I think that the way indicated by me are true and fair things develop ...The maximum value of the vacuum, indeed can not be greater than one atmosphere, but be aware that he can make a tornado, or hurricane, where the pressure difference is only a few dozen hectoPascal .... Because it is important that quantity possible we can in a relatively easy way to get ..

And keep in mind that the turbine engine with a power of 100 KW flows only 1 KG per second ( 1 m^3), and it produces such great power, with its relatively small size

Feliks: Some friendly advice from one of the guys that runs this place.
This is a hobby board focused on building model engines of various types and designs.. I expect all members here to be interested in learning to build or helping others learn to build said engines. And I also expect respect.
The break room is a place to have a little fun, take a break, blow off some steam ,talk about a pet or a family member. A place to discuss almost any topic . We know to avoid certain hot topics that provoke heated discussions. One topic that can become heated and needs to be treated with care is alternative energy and perpetual motion type subjects.

I expect all to have a little fun here and post a fun comment from time to time. such posts are like spices in food . A little bit make it more interesting. too much and it is ruined.

There is no rule about how much one can post in the break room . But lets think for a minute . If I start a business or hire on to an existing business I can not spend a large amount of time in the break room. 10%-15% is about right. IMHO. more than that and the business will fail or I get fired. Even in a hobby success requires focus of time and resources.
If you want to stay here I expect you to be here for the right reasons. Model engineering. You seem to be talented in 3-d cad. You have an interest in engines and mechanical things. so I am asking you to contribute meaningful posts. You have shown me you have already been banned from at least one forum for posting meaningless stuff.
my members here are getting tired of repeated meaningless posts. I am getting tired of them as well.

Tin Falcon
I think that especially twisting my name at the beginning of your post .. I remind you that this is a public forum.To that even as you board administrator does not give you the right to such humiliation prymitiwnego participants of this forum, you can describe what you do not like, but without these licks. They are similar to "Never"., Which apparently did not understand ... Already pointed out in post # 85, on the wrong terms and styling of my invention, but to chance. Reported also report post but also no reply ... Oh well ..
I would like to say that it is "Never" removes uncomfortable side. In one of the previous posts also quoted this link: but unfortunately "Never" to remove it,
because it was not easy ...

But I have a screen shot of my computer ..


And if you take into consideration my advice contained in this answer, the exact date when I gave her, maybe I should get thanks for it, you do not have any Japanese family in their home, which had to leave Japan ...
If anything upset you, I apologize, it was not in my intention .. I understand that you're upset with the then troubled by his signature ...

Tin Falcon
Mr Feliks apologies for mis spelling your name.
back to the question why are you on this forum . I see very little you post of any value. I post a little friendly advice and you nit pick and try to find fault.
I am not perfect . I do not expect perfection but a sincere attempt to be a part of this community .
you accuse me of humiliation pick at my words not the way to win friends and influence people here.
It is not all that easy .. On one forum Honda, my posts titled "Mind ..". This means that someone changed the personality ... In fact, maybe it is, but there is no other way to show the true inventions ... I would like this to take place in a much gentler way to get it was not that hard ... but unfortunately this is not possible ... So It's difficult to have real friends. But the very fact that I can tolerate proves their favor. Particularly outstanding practitioners in the forum. Even big companies can not make time, as quickly and efficiently build such things as the participants in this forum. Appreciate it and therefore published here ..

How did someone actually inspire .. it may even demonstrate Windmill Red Baron?

The famous experiment played in Krakow. The horses did not give advice...


Wow, amazing restraint Tin! I wouldn't know where to start myself!

I think I might just try and avoid clicking on this thread in future, and not in the least because to me it's like a Picasso in print form.
Wow, amazing restraint Tin! I wouldn't know where to start myself!

I think I might just try and avoid clicking on this thread in future, and not in the least because to me it's like a Picasso in print form.


Copy that,

Maybe even Pro Hart in print (that guy who splatters paint everywhere and calls it art) :wall:
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Picasso in print form, eloquent wording to deliver such a meaning! Speaking of just not clicking on it, I added this guy to my ignore list. Easy as pie.
Picasso in print form, eloquent wording to deliver such a meaning! Speaking of just not clicking on it, I added this guy to my ignore list. Easy as pie.

Well, river basin that we are describing their brave decision .. We are delighted with them ...:O

And it is so ..

when your wife and you know that with you betrayed, I had never stop to think .. This world...
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In other forum :

Still there is no such thing as a free lunch.

In this case, I agree with you that someone is trying to deceive you, however, that free lunch orally .... ....

Forever Electric car ( by wind force generator) - YouTube

But how do you replace the propeller, such as my amplifier, it obviously will not be quite as much as the delightful film ... get it right?
Certainly amplifier and give more energy propeller.

Yes, this dinner is certainly a lot cheaper ... It's just a matter of when the price will be less than zero....


Andrew :)
One part of the reply to "when", is for example the case of such a drag, "windmill". Under normal conditions, standing statically on the ground windmill his case at all practically drag, we do not care, because we have any number of fan blowing on the wind. And now the resistance front, as will be larger, only the rigidity of its mounting must also be greater. Practically the value of the resistance front, even if it is larger, a large amount of available free of wind, makes no need to worry, we have the resistance front .... But from the moment when the "wind", we begin to produce, for example, an electric motor car, it is known that the resistance front "fans" will have a major impact on the amount of electricity needed to maintain a speed of "wind" (car). . Know that the windmill of "hole in the middle" will have less resistance. and even the shape of the hole to be similar to the airfoil wing, his leading the resistance may be at the level of resistance of this air wing and have even just 10% of the resistance of a flat plate, with the same profile section ... If it is only 10% of the and the amount of energy required to achieve this speed "wind" (car) will also be at the level of 10% of the energy needed to overcome the resistance of a planar face. So that is one of the first steps to reduce our price lunch, is the study of our "fan" in the wind tunnel in terms of the reduction of the resistance front, just what it is in their cars and their coefficient Cx

Andrew :)
Here, such a "small fan", which Viggen fighter driven by a small propeller emergency hydraulic pump to control the plane, in the case of loss of the main hydraulic system.

You can see that at higher speeds, the propeller can be very small ..


As you can see the propeller drive in serious applications
So may be small and of recognition, a lot of power to control such a large fighter, because at higher speeds the propeller is more efficient. Its efficiency according to the speed increases up to the third power in the dependency ..

Full view of the Viggen


right on the apron in front of the hangar, and yet it was the Museum of Aviation, I played my models on a Wire ... I made ​​a nice deck Tarpan plane ... Sorry did not start, bi was too small only 2.5 cc engine and was required 5 cc .. but this did not have .. I could only dream of ..

I'm very new to this group but in the short time Ive been a member Ive seen some wonderful variations on established themes, created by people who deliberately strayed from original designs to personalise their creations in various ways, without being put off by the fact that the same basic design has been used a million times before, without deviation.

I have spent a confusing hour and a bit reading through the content of this thread and have come to the conclusion (rightly, or wrongly) that the differences of opinion with regard to theoretical pros and cons of differing engineering concepts are simply that.... Opinions.... Based mainly upon the same basic principles used by engineers worldwide and programmed into supercomputers and simulators used by multinational corporations, all of which would give their souls for the slightest improvement to current technology, but are limited by that very same rigid adherence to those principles.

It's very easy to forget that almost every significant discovery in history has been in some way influenced by one, or more complete cock-ups which in turn have led to unexpected revelations which, had accepted engineering theory been followed religiously, would have never been discovered.

Due to the fact that we build things for pleasure, using relatively inexpensive materials, We have the opportunity to think "outside the box" and take the kind of instinctive leaps that led to so many unexpected improvements in the past and the fact that mathematical calculations tell us that certain ideas are counter productive, doesn't mean that they won't work... Just look at how much time and money is spent by formula 1 teams on front wing design, only to see their drivers perform better once they've knocked off the end-plate on one side and two winglets from the other???

I say don't argue about what doesn't exist outside the confines of computers and theoretical manifestations.... Just build the damned things and see what happens.... If it works, you become a hero... If it doesn't, you have a pretty ornament to look at while you try modifications to understand why it doesn't work....

We don't build Stirling engines to do a job of work because they don't produce enough power.... We build them for pleasure and a sense of achievement gained by creating something out of lumps of inanimate material.... So if you have an idea. Build it.... If it works. Video it and discuss it constructively and if it doesn't work, you have the opportunity to discover why. But needlessly arguing over theory seems unnecessarily wasteful to me.

I shall now put my head down below the parapet again.
On another forum:

If you had even a basic understanding of engineering, you wouldn't feel that way.

Feliks has the sort of naive ideas that "environmentalists" have when they make sweeping generalizations about how doing X will save the world.

These designs are hair brained and outlandish, at best, with very little utility in the real world.

That small prop on the airplane is a small generator that powers the hydraulic and navigation software. Yes, when you are flying 500mph, you can generate 10hp by coasting. You WILL NOT power an entire city with the same principle and a 1' dia prop unless you are traveling at the speed of light.

I would LOVE to see some actual calculations. Math is math. Anyone with math skills should be able to read and interpret his calcs. Post those and I'll give him some credit. Until then, this guy is yelling the bible aloud from the street corner.

All right, we'll use the math ...
At the beginning of your data correct some of the aircraft speed. If it is to be an emergency control of the airplane, that's for sure, it must be to enable the load, ie the propeller must give sufficient power, as you have specified about 10 HP power control ... It's just that the aircraft lands at a speed of 220 km / h, and it must work perfectly yet. Propeller has a diameter of about 30 cm.

part no 9 :

Well now using venturi calculator, count the venturi nozzle, which is in its narrowest point is 300 mm, so that the propeller be able to run when inserted into it. As you have specified, at the speed of 220 km / h it will give the 10 Hp.
I asked to facilitate the original input parameter of the nozzle diameter to 1000 mm (1m). her throat identified on the 300 mm. There's a quiet propeller would seem to shoot ... Here are the results of this calculator venturi ... input speed is 25km / h and the speed of the throat is 284 km / h, which is significantly more than the 220 km / h landing ... So we should calmly from the propeller to obtain these 10 Hp power ....






Now you should do such an experience (or as you have enough imagination you can not do): You have to cut out some plywood, or flat plates made of plastic, and cut out the circle with a diameter of 1000 mm (1m). So cut the wheel, you have to fasten themselves to the chest or his back. It should then get on the bike, and try to accomplish this on a bicycle pedaling speed of 25 km / h. I think it lets you easily measure .. A man riding a bicycle is not achieved by 1 Hp ... but quietly get this rate, the pinned wheel with a diameter of 1 m.
This wheel has the same, or even greater air resistance as a venturi nozzle with a diameter of 1 meter original input. But this gives us the nozzle throat, as he You noted about 10 Hp, because in the throat, the air flows at a rate ~ 10 times greater than the speed of Input, or 280 km / h.,
And the propeller can give us the 10 HP. It is 10 times more than we can give strength to propel the bike with the circular wheel strapped to us. I think that in order to achieve a speed of 25 km / h, we do not need more than 300 watts .... So, if the bike mount the front section of the nozzle 1000 mm, it will get the 10 Hp in her throat on the propeller and drive the bike with the nozzle to a speed of 25 km / h, we only need 300 watts ..

I think the only thing I have left is to wait for your points ...

A thermodinamics expert could have a stroke just from reading this last post ...
No further comment
A thermodinamics expert could have a stroke just from reading this last post ...
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I am certainly no thermodynamics, or for that matter fluid dynamics expert, but this thread had my bells and whistles going within five minutes....... :)
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