Mamod Roadster convertion Mk.2 A 'Mamod Morgan 3 wheeler'.

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I have now started work on the cylinder bits I found in the workshop. *The cylinders are made in one of my usual ways using some hexagonal brass rod and some K&S brass tube. *The brass hexagon is drilled so the brass tube is a slide fit in it. *I hope the photographs explain the construction techniques used.

To be continued.

As it is getting close to being able to run the model I thought it would be well to check the R/C out again. *I couldn't find the battery charging socket under the seat some how it had disappeared into the R/C compartment so a fair amount of the model had to be taken apart to retrieve it! *A short video of the R/C being checked out after re-assembly at.

Regards Tony.
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I have done a little more on the cylinders.

The cylinder block has been cut in half.

The cylinder tube has been soldered to the cylinder block.

The cylinder has been lapped.

The trunnion rods have been made and threaded. First the longer thread was made using the lathe chuck to hold it.

The other shorter thread was made using a simple jig that consist of a length of hexagonal bar threaded all the way through to suit the thread on the rod in this case 5 BA. A 5 BA screw is also needed. I hope the photographs explain the jigs use.

The shorter thread being created.

The finished trunnion pin.

The cylinders mounted.

The inspiration for the conversion a Racing Morgan of the 1930's photographed at a hill climb last weekend.

Regards Tony.

I haven't done a lot on the Mamod Morgan I was playing trains in the rain over the weekend and helping a friend with his model today. After the friend left I managed to do a little. I decided to use off-set big ends, I hope the photographs show how the were machined. They started as a short length of 1/4" square brass rod.

Some long aluminium shouldered bushes have been made to check the line-up of the big ends and whether they will rotate.

There is a bit more filling needed to give clearance for rotation and the crank pin will need to be a little longer.

Regards Tony.

There has been progress all be it a bit slow.

The bottom cylinder covers have been made and fitted and the steam pipes lagged.

One piston has been made and fitted.

As the engine looked at end of play today.

Only another piston and two cylinder covers away from seeing if the engine will work!

Regards Tony.

Video of air and steam test at:

Alas there is a bit of an issue with the chain and sprocket final drive. The pitches of the chain and sprockets is slightly different which is given a very lumpy final drive. Its OK with the air who's pressure can just be increased to get over this not so as can be seen when in steam. The wheels and chain were bought new the previous Mamod Roadster modified used some old used chain and sprockets and works well. I had used Meccano gears etc as I thought it was in keeping with the toy image of Mamod. I think I might try using other chains and sprockets rather than Meccano which is a shame as I think they looked the part.

Regards Tony.
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This is the end of this thread, well until I manage to do something about the chain drive. I have to start some maintenance on my shed and start preparing our layout for the last three exhibitions of this year, the first being Llanfair at the beginning of September, so not much modelling for a bit!

Last photograph! Mk.1 and Mk.2 modified Mamod Roadsters.

Regards Tony.
Very nice, I remember them as a child and they were something special back then and still are. Thank you for bringing back good memories.

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